Cheap, quick, and healthy I kidding myself?



  • cacraft
    I have to plan all my meals, because I'm not there yet with coming up with quick healthy meals at the last minute, and if I dive in hungry I know I'll make the wrong choices.

    Each night, after dinner I sit down and log on MFP my food for the next day. I make a plan so I know exactly what I'm going to eat and how much.

    To keep my sodium down I cook as much as I can from scratch in big batches, package them in serving size ziplocs and freeze them until needed. This is a tremendous time saver. If you're making rice, for example, make a whole bunch extra and freeze it. It doesn't take any extra time to do that.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Invest in a a crockpot (under $25) for a regular size. You can make anything in the sucker and all kinds of recipes are on line here, just use the search. Most can be started the night before and finished in the am to put in the fridge, or start in the am (on low) and done when you get home! I've made stews, roasts, ribs, "baked" chicken/roasts, beans, caseroles, cake, breads. Saves you time and money in the long run-less power used!
  • Kulli1
    Kulli1 Posts: 34 Member
    Like a lot of people have said making batches one day and freezing them saves me a lot of time. My fella and i love chilli so always make a lot and stick it in takeaway boxes that we saved. When it comes to cooking whoevers home first bungs it in the slow cooker (Crock pot) where it defrosts and cooks with no bother. I also make dishes of lasange a couple of meat ones for when were both in (some of which gets put aside for pack up or dinner the next day) and a large veggie one that i slice up and again put in containers to freeze. I either microwave or oven cook a portion when i'm home alone and have with salad from a bag. The same with mousaka, shepherds pie etc.

    Another time saving tip for you is to chop and freeze onions and peppers, put them in portion sized sandwich bags ready for when you need them. I also find pastes of garlic, chilli and ginger are great and can be stored in the fridge. I found that the local Asian shop did the garlic paste in a larger jar than i normally get from the supermarket and it was cheaper! I was quite impressed with a lot of the stuff in there and was a bit miffed that i'd gone on the bike so couldn't carry much home!!!
  • marinadrobot
    The quickest and simliest of all recipies is: Grilled Fish (salmon, tuna steak, swordfish) or skinless chicken or lean steak + steamed vegetables (broccoli, green beans, carrot, parsley) or salad (baby spinach leaves, italian salad (letuce, rocket, basil, chives), reddish, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado.

    If you have some time on your hands than try fich pie without white sauce. Put fish pie mix (smocked haddock, salmon, cod and prawns) on backing tray. Bake for about 5 - 10 min, add grated catrrots, thin sliced potatoes or parrsnips, thinly slices onions, garlic, lot of herbs, chives and bake for another 15 - 20 min. sprinkle with some parmesan and mature cheddar and enjoy.