Good morning!

I am a 40 year old female in Missouri that needs to lose some weight due to the extra eating I did following the death of my mother. It's been 6 months and I know she would want me to feel good about myself and to be happy. Looking for any friends. I'm not sure how all of this works. I need lots of pointers. :)



  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    1st, I am very sorry for your loss. I hope that each passing day brings you strength in the comfort of knowing your mother is watching over you.
    Now.....regardless of what brought you to MFP, you are here now, so let's do this!
    Do you just want to curb your eating habits or are you already exercising or looking to add exercise to your routine? You can lose weight doing just one or the other exclusively, but truthfully, it is easier if you do both (adjust your calories and add activity).
    It does NOT have to be a huge or daunting task though. One step at a time.
    Tell us a bit about yourself. What do you like to do? Is snacking your downfall?
    The more we know, the more advice we can provide that is helpful.

    So glad you are here though!
  • Sorry about your mom. I am just getting started also and like u I do not know how this works so maybe we could figure this out together
  • Sorry for your loss, I too lost my mother last year and i was her care taker. It was a very difficult time and since then until now I have gained 22 pounds. I feel heavy and I have been trying to get motivated however I start and then I stop. I need the push and any suggestions, fitness tips, eating tips etc......

  • Thank you. And yes, everyday gets better. I am trying to curb my eating habits and I used to exercise quite a bit, but fell into a bit of depression. One of my closets friends lost her husband 3 days before I lost my mother so we are now encouraging each other and meeting for exercise. We are bike riding and participating in Zumba classes 2 times a week. I love Zumba the most. I know that if I can work on the emotional eating and keep exericisng to help my mood I can turn things around. I thought it would be helpful to connect with others when the going gets a little tough.

    I have been married for almost 22 years and have a wonderfully supportive husband. I also have two daughters, ages 19 and 16. They have lots of friends over and sometimes there are some temptations in the house. Yikes.

    Thanks for reading. I appreciate the support.

  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like your off to a good start. Feel free to add me.