Looking for true friendship/pals as a person restarting!

Good morning fitness pals!

I have gained back all of the weight plus 5 pounds I lost 5 years ago.
I went though a rough 3 years and now I am in a good mind set to start back up.
I have a wedding in October and even though I know I won't lose all the weight off by then because this is about restarting a healthy lifestyle again, I do want to be well into my way of living a healthy lifestyle by the wedding.

I have two challenge: 100 days of 60 minutes exercise and 100 days of staying in calories!
I like to do a 80/20 which means 80% good stuff 20% not so good stuff!


  • BryanTrysAgain
    BryanTrysAgain Posts: 15 Member
    I’m in. I could use the accountability and structure. Add me if you’re interested.
  • Calyrdus57
    Calyrdus57 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I went through the same thing as you! I lost all my weight 5 years ago and went through a lot of crap and regained it all again! I'm totally up for a friendship! Support and motivation go a long way!