Can't get started...

I know I should watch what I eat, but I'm running into obstacles and just don't have the motivation. I'm at work all day so I used to walk a lot, but now its too hot to do so. So I stay inside with the hectic-ness. When I get home, it's more hectic-ness to rush to have dinner (whatever we can if my wife didn't make dinner) and by the time we're done, it's time to get the kids ready for bed. Once their asleep, my wife and I are exhausted. She usually ends up falling asleep within an hour after the kids. As for me, that time is the only time I get "quiet" and "peace"...I don't want to sleep. I just want to sit, breath, and catch up with myself. I usually don't get to bed until 11:30p-12a. Not good when you need to get up at 6.

It's a fast-paced life and I'm not seeing an's very discouraging. My wife says things for her will slow down when our second one hits Kinder. But I don't see any slowing in *my* schedule: up, get kids ready for schools, go to work, get home, eat dinner, get kids ready for bed, try and get to 6 hrs, repeat. *snicker* I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

I'll be able to start walking again once it's cooler outside, but in the mean-time...

Any thoughts on how to get my optimism back? Thanks.


P.S. If you're in the same boat and want to help each other, send me a friend request. Good us all!


  • im the same during the day im soo busy so i just make sure i count my cals and i do my workout at 1 am sometimes just to fit it in it is doable just tell yourself you can do it and try i will send you a friend request and support you if you like
  • You've heard this before... you got to make time man.

    You said you work 9-5... I know you have kids to get ready for school and whatnot but how about getting up early and getting at it first thing. You can do a good workout in 20 minutes without leaving the house. Remember the basics... Pushups, situps, burpies, plank, triceps dips (off a bench or chair).

    Didn't check your diet but keep it real clean for 2 weeks and see what happens... Lots of fruits and vegies, GOOD protein (2 legs or less ;) Lots of water, no pop or processed crap. Again, go hard for 2 weeks and see what results you get. Don't let up - you're tougher than that!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I have one of those schedules also. I try to log my calories as often as I can (even this can be challenging on the weekends). I try to walk outside when it cools down. Do you get a lunch at work? If so, maybe you could drive to a large department store or a mall when it is hot out and walk their for few minutes. I am supposed to have an hour lunch but don't usually get that and don't always get any lunch break but when I can that is what I do. Good luck!!
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    If you really want to do it you have to make it a priority. Its not easy and anyone who implies it is is wrong. But it is worth it. You CAN do it. Good luck!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    It will get better I promise, sometimes people forget what a big responsibility it is to be a provider for your family. It wasn't until I spoke to my son that I realised what a strain it put him under to provide the best life he can for his family. But don't forget you have to make time for yourself and keep as healthy as possible. You owe to yourself and your family.
  • I understand a busy schedule, it's tough. Here's a couple tricks that might help.

    1) Pack all your food for the day at work, with a little extra. Make sure it's good, wholesome food like fresh fruit and veggies. Make sure your breakfast and lunch are in there. When you know what you're going to eat during the day it makes it easier to log it in because you can do it all at once. DON'T CHEAT. Eat what you pack.

    2) Find, by either deception or stealing, some way of getting in something resembling a work out during the day. Put on some sneakers and walk the steps during lunch, do some push ups and sit ups when no one is looking, whatever. Just try to log at least 30 minutes of an accelerated heart rate a day. This will help with...

    3) SLEEP! Get to bed on time and get your sleep. You lose most of your weight while your body recovers and heals, and this happens when you sleep.

    I pack ten meals for the week, breakfast and lunch, on Sunday night. I try to work out at the gym 5 days a week, and I walk my dogs everyday, and believe me that's a work out.

    Good luck. Friend me if you like.
  • micahnelson
    micahnelson Posts: 92 Member
    What you are telling me is that you don't want to exercise. You would rather sit on the couch and be sedentary in your down time than exercise. That's fine, but if you want to lose weight that way you are going to have to severely reduce your calories.

    Don't make excuses for not doing things. Make a choice and be done with it. If you don't like the choices you are making, make different ones. Don't sit when you want to walk/run. Don't say you want to walk/run if you'd rather sit. It's just going to make you feel stressed all the time due to the vague sense of failure you will carry with you. Be comfortable with who you are, and if you can't be then change it.

    To quote Yoda. Do, or Do Not. There is no try.
    MACnCHEESEY Posts: 6 Member
    Sometimes, when you spend your day taking care of the needs of others, the hardest person to take care of is yourself. When you feel as worth your efforts as the people around you are, you'll find the motivation to make your "me" time, something more positive. To get started a few years ago, I bought a treadmill and moved it into the living room where I had to face it. I made myself have my "quiet" time there whenever I couldn't walk outside (a favorite past-time and escape for me, as well) Some days it was silence (behind headphones to be left alone) some days it was TV, some days it was music that relaxed me and some days it was music that charged me up. Some days I walked a quarter of a mile and some days I walked 8. I just started with the promise to take care of myself, honor my needs and not let anyone, especially me, take away the time I'd set for myself. I treated it like an appointment I was penalized if I missed. Maybe charge yourself a "missed appointment" fee if you skip, say $25, and you can only get it back if you earn it back. Since it was in my living room, it was available 24 hours so there was no "closing time" I could avoid. I didn't let tired be an excuse, I'd just get on and move turtle-slow if I had to. Usually, my competitive juices flowed out of disgust with myself and I'd stay on just to prove myself wrong. I bargained and rewarded myself for positive behavior. I would not allow myself to skip or cut short until I'd moved for at least 20 minutes. When I hit a certain goal, I'd treat myself to something I'd wanted or craved that should be "off limits" calorie or budget wise. I considered it money saved on a doctor bill if I took the extra pounds off, or that I'd earned the right to a pepperoni, sausage and onion pizza with extra cheese when I'd surprassed my goals. As I lost weight and felt better, new clothes that made me feel better in my skin were my reward. It was a slow process, but it worked. I'd effectively learned to make time for myself. You just have to set your mind to it. It really is that simple. When you know you're worth it, and you deserve it, and you really want to feel better, you'll find a way to make it happen. I think being on here and asking for help is a great first step. I hope you find your motivation and a plan that works for you!
  • What you are telling me is that you don't want to exercise. You would rather sit on the couch and be sedentary in your down time than exercise. That's fine, but if you want to lose weight that way you are going to have to severely reduce your calories.

    Don't make excuses for not doing things. Make a choice and be done with it. If you don't like the choices you are making, make different ones. Don't sit when you want to walk/run. Don't say you want to walk/run if you'd rather sit. It's just going to make you feel stressed all the time due to the vague sense of failure you will carry with you. Be comfortable with who you are, and if you can't be then change it.

    To quote Yoda. Do, or Do Not. There is no try.

    EXACTLY! Bravo!
  • I totally understand you dilemna. However, try to find a way to have 45 minutes of the 1,440 minutes per day for your health. Buy a work out video or some dumbells for home use. You will be surprise how much more relaxing a 30 minute work out is compared to the "relaxing" you may currently do. Why? I think it is because you know you have done something for you. Just a thought. I religiously used the excuse of not having time, but when I evaluated the amount of time I used to watch tv, prepare bad food and sit around feeling bad about myself. I realized I really had three hours if I wanted to use it to benefit my health.