Being Held Accountable

Hey all, I have noticed that I do better the more people I have involved with my weight loss. I trend to eat better when I know more people can see my diary and I get more excited seeing how well others are doing. I’ve only been on MFP about a month but would love as many people in my circle as possible. Let me know if you are looking for more support (like me) and I’ll add you as my friend, or feel free to add me yourself! :happy:


  • annalynne88
    annalynne88 Posts: 12 Member
    Same here, I would love to be held accountable, and this is a good way to do it!
  • BendySpartan
    BendySpartan Posts: 104 Member
    Same here! Have added both of you, hope thats OK.
  • CharlieLB1980
    Same here! will add you all if thats ok.
    Think knowing people are looking at what I am doing will really help and stop me reaching for the cheeeese!!! (cheese is so my chocolate!!) :o)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • sunnbeam
    sunnbeam Posts: 25 Member
    I find the combination of being held accountable and motivation by others is really helping me. Feel free to add me! :-)
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Think knowing people are looking at what I am doing will really help and stop me reaching for the cheeeese!!! (cheese is so my chocolate!!) :o)

    I'm much more a savory than sweet type of person as well. I'll hit up the salad bar, add a teeny bit of dressing, but pile on the feta.. Hopefully I'll break that though!
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    I think we are all in the same boat. Needing accountability....

    I'll help you if you help me.... :flowerforyou:

    Adding all, hope you don't mind!
  • guysimons
    hi would love to have you as a friend
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I agree that this is a great site for support...but if you want real accountability, get your friends, family and co-workers involved. and you know where that starts...Facebook. I post almost daily on Facebook about my exercise activity and, from time to time, progress. As one of my friends recently posted "you know you're going to have to keep posting on FB for the rest of your life or we will all think you fell off the wagon". He's right and that's exactly why I went to help hold me accountable (and also I've inspired some of my friends to join in the lifestyle changes). My co-workers are also part of my accountability circle and I've authorized them to question me on certain things, as well as keeping them updated on my progress (besides the obvious physical differences).

    MFP is great as long as people are logging in...but when you stop logging in, its difficult to contact folks who aren't exactly real life friends. I mean, I don't mind being someone's cheerleader on MFP or answering someone's questions when they have them...but when you start seeing that X hasn't logged in for a week and might need some motivation, what exactly do you do? Meanwhile, on FB, if I stop posting progress notes, people will get in touch with me.

    just my 2 cents for whatever its worth.
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    Same here.
  • DaisyJane82
    DaisyJane82 Posts: 32 Member
    I'd like to add you as a friend too, If that's okay!:)
    I fell off the weight loss wagon and I'm back at square one.
    I definitely could use some motivation to get on track again and I need to be held accountable too:)
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    Its been a real roller coaster for me too since 2009. I am good for a few months then go back to being non-active. I would love nothing more then to keep moving all year long without those 2-4month long hiccups. I am have done all kinds of programs but with out 100% completion. I usually go 60-70days then stop for 2-4months.
    I know that its hard to keep up with everything all the time. Since MFP is not mobile with the chat thing I find that FB helps me more with accountability. I am in an accountability group with a bunch of AMAZING people and they are not afraid to be honest with you. Check it out if you'd like There is no program specifications. Just as long as you are active and trying to be healthy/fit. This group offers advice on nutrition, staying positive, motivation, and keeping the will to stay committed.
    Also feel free to add me too if you'd like on MFP. Either way there are always benefits in numbers. I'll try to add some of you but there are so many I think it might be easier for you to add me. :)
    Stay strong, live healthy, be happy!