Just joined yesterday!

Hi everyone! My name is Angela & I just joined yesterday, thanks to my aunt! I'm looking forward to this journey...I think! LOL! I'm 39, have 2 boys, and have been married for 18 years. I live in Manitoba Canada, and we're starting to feel the fall weather already! :( I have approx. 140lbs to shed, and feel quite overwhelmed at the task ahead of me.


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    take it one day at a time. write down all of the things you wish you could do...all of the things you KNOW you will be able to do as you get healthier.
  • good luck with reaching your goal!!
  • One day at a time with 1 pound at a time...The hardest part is convincing yourself that you can do it...
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey I would love to add you to support you we can do this even if we think we can't
  • You can do it! Most users are super supportive and if the number itself seems too daunting, try breaking it down into mini goals or goals not associated with the number on the scale!
  • terri045
    terri045 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I live in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and I know what you mean about the weather, we are going down to zero Friday night yuk. But welcome it is an awesome website and i am sure you will do well.
  • Welcome! It's a process you'll have good days and bad ones, but we're all here to show you the support you'll need to succeed.
  • melliemel818
    melliemel818 Posts: 46 Member
    Focus on the day at hand, make healthy eating choices and try to get your body moving a little bit each day. You'll start to see a difference and we're here to help and encourage you along the way!!! oh, and Welcome to MFP!! :)
  • It's true what people say, it's one pound at a time. You can do it! We both can be healthy. I just know it! :)