question about 30 day shred!

So...I started the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred on friday and it kicked my butt. I couldn't hardly move saturday or sunday!! (so I didn't do it either day)...I did it again yesterday and was expecting to wake up feeling sore and achy but I didnt! Im so happy :)

So for those of you out there who are doing it or have done it...Is it so bad to skip a day inbetween or do you think you can only get good results if you do it EVERY DAY....


  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm interested to hear the what everyone thinks about this too. I just started it yesterday, and I am SO sore! I was thinking about trying to push thru it this afternoon and not skip any, but maybe I should rest and not over do it?
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I believe that it is really up to you. I am doing it every other day in between the days I run. I would do it if that is the only exercise you are going to do today - maybe do the modified exercises instead?
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    I believe that it is really up to you. I am doing it every other day in between the days I run. I would do it if that is the only exercise you are going to do today - maybe do the modified exercises instead?

    i am doing this now too... but i did 30 days straight first. i did 10 of level 1, 10 of level 2 then 10 of level 3. now monday i do level 1 wednesday level 2 and friday level 3 and run the other days.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I was like that, but honestly after you push through the first couple of minutes the pain goes away while you work out. I think it's easier to make it a habit and see the fast results if you do it every day, I took a day off once because I was hungover and never did it again! Starting again after freshers week though :L
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I did this in June and did it daily, for 30 days, no days off, but I had been working out for a while and was not so sore that I could not move. Being sore is your body's way of telling you it needs to recoup a bit. Go at your own speed. There is no race to win and overall, you won't become discouraged. Slow, steady and consistent ... even if "consistent is every other day or every two days at first, then moving up a day, until you are doing it daily ... that would be the "slow, steady" part ;o) Good luck ... you can DO IT!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    you're going to get the best results if you actually DO it. So I'd say whatever schedule YOU can keep is the right one. Me, I do it every morning because I want results by October.
    That's the great thing about the exercise DVD's, you can customize it for YOU.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I've done it for 3 days now; started on Saturday. I thought about skipping last night because my calves hurt so bad, but I stuck with it. They still hurt today, but less than yesterday. I think you can do it every other day and such and still get results, but not the same results as if you do it every day for 30 days. Her point is to put so much stress on your body in a short amount of time that it is forced to change. However, you need to do what's best for you. If your body can't handle doing it everyday right now, then don't. You don't want to hurt yourself over some dumb video. (OK, it's not dumb, but you get my point, right?)
  • blackfitnessbarbie
    its called 30 day for a reason. skipping one or 2 days over all won't affect your results that much. but if you skip one or 2 days a week, that will have an affect. only skip if you absolutely cannot do it. push through. like she says in the dvd, if you want results you have to PUSH!
  • rachel_onamission
    I was running/jogging or walking 3X a week..and then doing the elliptical on my off days..but I think my body became used to it and I hit a bump in the road! I didnt lose anything for a month! So I figured I'll switch up my exercise routine and see how that goes.

    I coach the High School drill team 4 days a week so I am still getting other exercise...I'm going to try to do this dvd every day but I dont want to kill myself! LOL
  • bootcamp68
    bootcamp68 Posts: 3 Member
    I started an exercise bootcamp 5 weeks ago. The first week about killed me and I ended up skipping 2 days out of 5. Trying to push it when you are very sore can be dangerous & cause you to pull or injure muscles which will only set you back further. The best thing is to do some light to moderate cardio, as much as you can - I could barely walk but forced myself to do it. My trainer said going for a walk on those really sore days helps to rid the body of lactic acid build up from weight training and is the best thing you can do. Your body will adjust to working out. Since then I've been gradually building up to 5 days per week and take it a little easier on the days when I'm really sore but I'm still seeing some amazing results. Just joined MFP last week but the combo of the exercise & calorie watching has been incredible.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I was running/jogging or walking 3X a week..and then doing the elliptical on my off days..but I think my body became used to it and I hit a bump in the road! I didnt lose anything for a month! So I figured I'll switch up my exercise routine and see how that goes.

    I coach the High School drill team 4 days a week so I am still getting other exercise...I'm going to try to do this dvd every day but I dont want to kill myself! LOL

    Seriously! After my first day, I described to my friends as, "I paid $9 to have Jillian Michaels try to murder me with jumping jacks for 20 minutes a day."
  • bootcamp68
    bootcamp68 Posts: 3 Member
    Sorry about the double post - still figuring this site out - thought I could delete the 2nd one but I can't.
  • jsdclaypool
    I have been doing the 30 day shred about 4days a week for about 2 1/2 weeks combined w/running and various other cardio and I can see results. I think the biggest thing to take out of the comments is that listening to your body is important but there will be some discomfort that comes w/a new exercise. Maybe if you add a day each week doing the video till you can go for the 30 days and then just decrease the additional exerces to compensate your body may adjust better. good luck!
  • rachel_onamission
    I think after the soreness wares off and I build my tolerance up, I'll be able to do it every day! I had to do the same with running and the with doing the elliptical..I couldn't go for very long periods of time but now I have no problem. :) I'm a pretty strong individual (or at least I like to think so!) I know I can do it!! I think I just got comfortable with my 3X a week routine!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I just did Day 6 this morning.

    I read online that she wants you to push throuh it. It's only 20 minutes. She says if you want results, do it everyday.

    I am also doing C25K, so I am running every other day. I walk every day I don't run and on weekends I try to squeeze in a mountain bike ride.

    I am committed to the 30DS. Down with 6, 24 to go!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    She should take those jumping jacks to Afghanistan & kick some butt there LOL
    But if you can't do it every day this time - you will next time - most everybody does it more than once
    I know I'm addicted - I just LOVE it and I HATE EXERCISE! I never imagined in a million years I'd get out of bed to work out every day ... but I do

    Thanks guys! and Jillian
  • marialynnporter
    marialynnporter Posts: 95 Member
    You should all ways have one day off from working out. Let's your muscles heal.
  • marialynnporter
    marialynnporter Posts: 95 Member
    You should all ways have one day off from working out. Let's your muscles heal.
  • theperfectratio
    theperfectratio Posts: 49 Member
    I'm doing the 30 DS right now and I've missed 1 or 2 days (mainly due to lack of access to the workout), but I'm also doing other workouts (treadmill, biking, fitness class) if I miss out so it balances. If you're literally IN PAIN, then skipping is fine but don't make a habit!

    Also make sure you're eating a little something (preferably protein/carbs) after you workout. That can help A LOT with repairing your muscles. I feel sore the next day when I don't eat after working out, but when I do, I hardly ever feel ANYTHING the next day. You can eat some fruit with a nut butter or a protein shake...or if you workout in the morning, egg whites and toast. I used to workout before dinner, and I noticed a stark difference between my soreness when I ate after working out vs. when I didn't.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    I was running/jogging or walking 3X a week..and then doing the elliptical on my off days..but I think my body became used to it and I hit a bump in the road! I didnt lose anything for a month! So I figured I'll switch up my exercise routine and see how that goes.

    I coach the High School drill team 4 days a week so I am still getting other exercise...I'm going to try to do this dvd every day but I dont want to kill myself! LOL

    Seriously! After my first day, I described to my friends as, "I paid $9 to have Jillian Michaels try to murder me with jumping jacks for 20 minutes a day."

    It's only $9.00? I want to start this work out. Where can i find the DVD? walmart or such places?