New to community, don’t want to be the fattest person in the room

Hi, my name is Lisa and I have had this app since 2012 and have not used it consistently. I don’t mind logging my food an exercise, I just have to make it a priority. I am 66, 5ft-6ins tall and weight 189 I live in Jacksonville Florida. I’m an avid gardener and an artist. I am retired but I am very busy with my art groups and of course the gardening. I tend to put those things first and my husband and I don’t make my weight loss a priority. I need help figuring out how to do that. I’m trying to log 3 days at a time to keep myself on track. I have a treadmill because most of the year here it is too hot to exercise outside. I say that but I think nothing of working in my yard for 3 hours at 95 degrees. With my gardening I usually get about 5500 steps a day and I am in pretty good shape. I am a Plein Air painter and an Urban Sketcher and I meet with people in groups. I just want to look better in my clothes and not always be the fattest person in the room.


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Hmmm, may I place this here? 👉🏿 Since your creativity (both on canvas and in the garden) are your priorities, how much more would a healthier body help you create?

    The same concept/question applies for the loving service in your relationship with your spouse.
  • Jhiggi46
    Jhiggi46 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same way, i know im not that fattest person in the room but i cant help but look at myself discouragingly when i walk past my reflection and all i see is my protruding stomach. ive decided to make myself be more active at least once a day (with the exception of the weekends) to help begin the change that i want to have. I have a history of making excuses to myself about not having enough time, too tired, or just plain busy with other things but i need to change that frame of mind if i ever want to stop thinking negatively of myself. Lets crush these exercise goals!
  • CerebralEcstasy
    CerebralEcstasy Posts: 10 Member
    I've been working with a personal trainer for well over a year, and while I've learned a lot, I'm consistently inconsistent. I am coming up on logging for 140 days, previously I had logged nearly 200. Yet, I'm fudging the numbers at times because I'll enter most of my food, but will forget here and there. The biggest change has been my mindset. I know that I am completely in control of my mindset. I have no one else to blame but myself for being in this situation. So now that I'm armed with these tools, this summer I plan to hold myself accountable. I don't care about being the fattest person in the room. For me it's about respect for myself, and loving the skin I'm in. Self discipline is a form of self love, and I plan to guide myself to where I want to go instead of reacting to the surroundings around me.
  • Lpdartgirl
    Lpdartgirl Posts: 3 Member
    I eat pretty healthy because of my garden. My husband and I are both great cooks and the biggest problem I have is portion control. That is why I like to log ahead of time, it keeps me honest. Exercising is great, weight training is the best but the only way to loose weight is to eat less and move more and find ways to walk away from your cravings. Or sometimes give into your cravings in a controlled manner.