Massive A1C drop three months after diagnosis

MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
Long story. But the important details are:
Medical neglect from a certain doctor led me to not have symptoms taken seriously for some time.

Woke up in early February unable to feel my toes. Yikes. My A1C was 9.2. Dang it.

My husband has been diabetic for decades, so I knew what had to be done. I restarted SparkPeople (let’s all observe a moment of silence) and got serious with the NuStep. Increased my exercise from 30 minutes half the days to anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes every day.

And I got very very very strict at counting every bite I ate.

Not only have I dropped 30 lbs in three months, my A1C is now 5.7!
My doctor actually said she showed it to her nurses before my appointment because, as she told them “You’re probably never going to see a drop like that again!”
Which I took as a sincere compliment.

I’ll be keeping on this path until I hit goal weight, and after that? I’ll happily add a few extra carbs a day to maintain.



  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Well done!
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    Congrats, that is super impressive!
  • pabmac
    pabmac Posts: 53 Member
    That’s absolutely incredible! Way to go!!
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Good for you: that's amazing!
  • docktorgrigoryhaus
    docktorgrigoryhaus Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats! That's such an accomplishment, my father struggles with diabetes (type II) as well. I wish he would be as serious about his health as you are. You're definitely a role model!
  • JRugg1946
    JRugg1946 Posts: 58 Member
    Thats really awesome to hear!
    I am or was prediabetic, 3 years ago i had a A1C of 6.4 borderline i was told, i was in a accident and lost 83lbs. My A1C since has been mid 5s. I have gained that weight back since too, and have kept it in check some how.. nothing like your numbers and accomplishments, but i can share your story that it is possible.
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    Fantastic!! That’s huge, great job putting in the work to improve your health!
  • Live2InspireHope
    Live2InspireHope Posts: 157 Member
    Very Inspiring <3 March 1st I hit 7.3 since Then I have lost about 65 lbs. My Doctor and myself decided i wanted to do my A1C again in August so I am praying for a drop like yours. I just want to be back in the 5's for sure. I feel I have done good still have work to do. still want to get under 300 sitting about 310 right now. after being about 380 in February this year. Thanks for sharing your story so glad I saw it this morning <3 Take Care
  • Live2InspireHope
    Live2InspireHope Posts: 157 Member
    May I ask any certain Foods you have started eating and others you Quit? I redefined 90% of my menu starting with liquids no Coke or Poweraids or other high sugar drinks.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Wow! A1C is such an easy thing to check! You'd think a doctor would have screened you for that, especially if you were carrying a little extra weight on you. That IS neglectful!

    So glad you've taken control and gotten your health back in order. You should be proud of that. I think the reason the doctor was so impressed, (“You’re probably never going to see a drop like that again!”) is because so many people aren't willing to do the work it takes to get healthy, even when their health and lives are in danger.

    Thanks for sharing your story! <3
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    JRugg1946 wrote: »
    Thats really awesome to hear!
    I am or was prediabetic, 3 years ago i had a A1C of 6.4 borderline i was told, i was in a accident and lost 83lbs. My A1C since has been mid 5s. I have gained that weight back since too, and have kept it in check some how.. nothing like your numbers and accomplishments, but i can share your story that it is possible.

    To be completely fair, I had all the tools already. So even though the diagnosis was new (and a huge surprise to me) I’ve been handling my disabled husband’s meds and carbs for a decade already. And we already had the NuStep, which I’d already been using (not enough though). And I had my SparkPeople habit. I’d already been slowly losing some weight. So all I had to do was get the meds and tighten up around the edges.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    May I ask any certain Foods you have started eating and others you Quit? I redefined 90% of my menu starting with liquids no Coke or Poweraids or other high sugar drinks.

    Because I’d already been trying to lose weight some, and my husband has been diabetic for decades, we don’t do sodas or juices. We DO love the flavored seltzers, and buy them by the cart-load. Not even kidding. Also our diet was already full of olive oil and fish and veggies, etc.

    I dehydrate veggies and snack on them instead of chips. Tomatoes are especially good. I firmly believe there are no bad foods, just ill-advised portions.

    We nearly never eat out, due to my allergies, which are extensive. For example I am allergic to black pepper. Makes it nearly impossible to eat at any restaurant.
    So we cook almost everything from scratch. Often in batches, so there’s something to pull out of the freezer on the busier days.
    I want to be clear: I am not against “processed foods” I’m simply allergic and have to be careful about ingredients. I will use processed foods if they don’t have any of my allergens in them.

    For cookies and pretzels and such? I have a giant ziplock bag filled with the little ziplock containers. Each one holds about 10 to 15 carbs worth of family favorites. Oreos, animal crackers, etc. Similarly I use fold top baggies to portion out things like pretzels.

    Pistachios or peanuts are packed in small jars. A half cup Ball jelly jar fits one serving of shelled pistachios perfectly.

    For other serving sizes I have a divided plate. This helps my boyfriend- who does much of the cooking - not over serve me. I also got some really good ladles on Amazon. They’re meant for restaurant service so the handles are long. But they’re perfect. See photo.

    We all eat oatmeal every morning and have done so for a long time. The menfolk get a double serving. I eat a quarter cup (uncooked) Bob’s Red Mill oatmeal, with a quarter cup 1% milk, some dehydrated apples, and a half teaspoon of cinnamon. I used to also have brown sugar in mine, but dropped it with the diabetes diagnosis.
    My husband likes dehydrated blueberries in his.

    We leave the skin on the chicken. When I have bacon, it’s two pieces every time. We had steak the other night, and honestly? The crispy fat on the edge was delicious.

    No bad foods. Portion control.
    If I want a chocolate I will have a mini tootsie roll. And then I will log it.

    And of course exercise helps too. Out of the four people who live in my house, three of us are pretty significantly disabled. Our NuStep works well for all of us. And the fact that it’s in the living room ready and available 24/7 helps a lot. 90zh252c8tuz.png
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    May I ask any certain Foods you have started eating and others you Quit? I redefined 90% of my menu starting with liquids no Coke or Poweraids or other high sugar drinks.

    Pistachios or peanuts are packed in small jars. A half cup Ball jelly jar fits one serving of shelled pistachios perfectly.

    By which I mean pistachios still in the shell.
    I need to be specific about that.
  • missjck2
    missjck2 Posts: 146 Member
    Great job, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  • talaphia
    talaphia Posts: 1 Member
    I'm really inspired. I'm trying to get my A1c down as well. Thanks for sharing.
  • srisridhar9411
    srisridhar9411 Posts: 3 Member
    Truly inspiring! Way to go!!
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    *moment of silence* well done.
  • nannurse
    nannurse Posts: 20 Member
    BEE3FAM wrote: »
    For someone who's been diabetic for 3 years now, I think you're amazing. Great job on a huge accomplishment.
    I on the other hand have been at A1C 11 and my stupid doctor had me on Metformin. Obviously I changed doctors. I am now on Metformin, Jardiance and Trulicity and My new doctor wants me on a fourth med. I can't live like this, and by that I mean I was diagnosed with "maybe 10 years to live" if I take all my meds. That is why I'm here, it's a fight for life at this point. I have a daughter I can't bear to leave so I REFUSE TO GO OUT THAT WAY!
    Thank you for your advice. I'm going to work super hard at beating this like you did!! FIGHTING!!!

    How many total carbs are you eating in a day? I had to cut mine down to no more than 20 per day. Took my A1C from 8.7 to 5.7 in 3 months and with NO meds. But with all those meds you're on, you'll need to consult with your doctor to keep your sugars from getting too low.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    nannurse wrote: »
    BEE3FAM wrote: »
    For someone who's been diabetic for 3 years now, I think you're amazing. Great job on a huge accomplishment.
    I on the other hand have been at A1C 11 and my stupid doctor had me on Metformin. Obviously I changed doctors. I am now on Metformin, Jardiance and Trulicity and My new doctor wants me on a fourth med. I can't live like this, and by that I mean I was diagnosed with "maybe 10 years to live" if I take all my meds. That is why I'm here, it's a fight for life at this point. I have a daughter I can't bear to leave so I REFUSE TO GO OUT THAT WAY!
    Thank you for your advice. I'm going to work super hard at beating this like you did!! FIGHTING!!!

    How many total carbs are you eating in a day? I had to cut mine down to no more than 20 per day. Took my A1C from 8.7 to 5.7 in 3 months and with NO meds. But with all those meds you're on, you'll need to consult with your doctor to keep your sugars from getting too low.

    My dietician advised between 100 and 150 carbs. But that’s me. I’m not going keto at this point.
  • Jenpec98
    Jenpec98 Posts: 49 Member
    That is amazing progress.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    Thanks! I'm going to keep on this path until I reach goal and then maintain. Maybe then my doctors will listen to my other symptoms and actually diagnose whatever is causing my balance disorder too, instead of ignoring me and / or telling me I’m a fat lazy hypochondriac.

    Yes. Some of what is fueling my drive right now is rage towards my neurologist, who did exactly that.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    That is so wonderful. It took me too long to take diabetes seriously. This is inspiring
  • g2renew
    g2renew Posts: 155 Member
    Impressive drop! Well done😉
  • wolftrucking08
    wolftrucking08 Posts: 24 Member
    I did it myself 2 1/2 years ago and yeah, is feels great to hear a doc complement you on your hard work. I Dropped almost 90lbs in 3 mos, killed diabetes. Covid shutdowns and school I put on about 40 lbs. 5-7 lbs is muscle, the rest fat but so far My A1c is good. I'm starting another calorie cut and taking my daily cals down to 1500-2000, and hitting the gym. ITS SHOCK AND AWE TIME!!! I plan on being at my pre-covid by the end of August.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    I did it myself 2 1/2 years ago and yeah, is feels great to hear a doc complement you on your hard work. I Dropped almost 90lbs in 3 mos, killed diabetes. Covid shutdowns and school I put on about 40 lbs. 5-7 lbs is muscle, the rest fat but so far My A1c is good. I'm starting another calorie cut and taking my daily cals down to 1500-2000, and hitting the gym. ITS SHOCK AND AWE TIME!!! I plan on being at my pre-covid by the end of August.

    90 lbs in 3 months is legendary territory. (Assuming you had dr advice and supervision) congratulations! That’s amazing!

    @lorib642 The second best time to take diabetes seriously is right now. Always. So if you missed that first opportunity, no need to beat yourself up about it. Just dig in and do it. :)
    You got this.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    Six and a half months post diabetes diagnosis. And I’ve lost 60 pounds as of this morning.

    Almost halfway.
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