FROZEN MEALS.. not all of them are bad!



  • elsa11170
    elsa11170 Posts: 82 Member
    I've never tried Lean cuisine...going to be checking it out now with all the great comments! thanks :)
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    i concur with the above posts! i live alone and am not too picky about food so every night is a lean cuisine night. i have my favs that i pick and i usually combine them with some more veggies to be more filling but i think they are really good.

    i do wish they had some of the pasta ones with wheat pasta though. love wheat pasta!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    since im the only one eating differently at home, i eat frozen meals every night. smart ones, healthy choice, lean cuisine, and michelina's.

    I do too and everyone else eats differently and I keep an eye on the sodium and drink plenty of water and I still lose weight so I say do what works!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I agree! They are a great quick meal low calories and sodium is usually between 350-550 mg one of my favs is lean cuisine pita bread w/ veggie dip
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    I love the frozen lean cuisine pizzas, especially the spinach and mushroom! It is my more healthy way of eating my fav food: PIZZA!
  • Xtina_86
    I talked to my doctor about frozen meal. He said "if its lean cuisine vs mcdonals, i am okay with lean cuisines all day long!" lol He did mention alot of them have alot of sodium (like you said) but drinking entire bottle of water with the meal will help alot!
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Agreed! I don't have them too often. But I keep some frozen pasta dishes in my freezer, because if I make a pot of pasta, I can't stop and 1 bowl, and I pile on the cheese like nobody's business. But this way, I stop when the meal is done.

    And as for the sodium -- the way I look at it, a frozen meal has FAR less sodium than any meal you would have out at a restaurant (or worse, a fast food place), even if you ordered the "healthy" option. So when I'm in a time crunch, it's so much better to just heat one of these babies up than to grab something from outside my home!
  • bethanyranes
    bethanyranes Posts: 44 Member
    I used to take frozen meals for lunch when I had my college internship, but there weren't a whole whole lot that tasted good at the time. I had like 5 go-to's that were low-cal and tasty. I remember Smart Ones being a little better than usual. It seems like a lot of them are getting a lot better - I'll definitely have to try these spring rolls out. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    I agree! They are a great quick meal low calories and sodium is usually between 350-550 mg one of my favs is lean cuisine pita bread w/ veggie dip

    This sounds so deeeelish! I will definitely have to go back to the grocery store and pick up a few more lean cuisine meals! :)
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    I just had the Kashi black bean enchillada and it was excellent! Very tasty and filling for 260 calories. I will definitely buy some more, since my hubby is on call for the rest of the month. I know I will be eating some dinner by myself :)

    Sounds so good! Never tried a Kashi frozen meal before, however I do love their GO LEAN cereal!!
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    It always amazes me how we all have such a different interpretation of the word "healthy"

    The food label only gives maybe 1% of the story of what you are eating.

    Having said that, I am sure the occasional one is something any otherwise body can handle in stride. Even a bad one.

    I guess I see foods as bad, OK, and good

    Bad = Hungry Man, Cat Food, McDonald's McNuggets
    OK = Lean cuisines, blue menu
    Good = Fresh, know what is in it, very little processing

    I certainly eat my share of "OK" and the odd "bad" food (just not cat food)
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Walmart now has their own generic great value brand called "Lean Cafe". I'm kind of partial to the cheese ravioli....

    As long as you have the sodium to "spend," since some of them tend to be a bit sodium rich, I don't see anything wrong with using this as a quick fix when time is an issue.
  • elliemay63
    elliemay63 Posts: 62 Member
    lean cuisine cafe steamers - pot stickers are good with the spring rolls - if you have the extra calories to use!! just saying..
  • mrshickey
    i sometimes make a load of food and freeze it in dinner-size portions- i know exactly whats in them then and theres no surprises. those r the best ready meals, lol, but i suppose i have time as i have no children yet!!
  • kuechletwins
    kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
    I eat Lean Cuisine for lunch at work 3-4 days a week! My faves are: Tortilla Crusted Fish and Rice (sounds weird but is yummy!), Chicken Enchilada's, and the Mushroom Pizza (had this for lunch today!)!!!
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    mmmm, LOVE the mushroom pizza!
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    I do Lean Cuisine and Smartones all the time for lunch and sometimes supper as I have older kids and they are never home so i dont cook supper! I love most of them!
  • aprylc20
    aprylc20 Posts: 18 Member
    I am a lean pocket fend! There is said it! :-D they have come a long way! And they are yummy with a side salad! I had a pretzel one with trader joes vegetable medley! Yum! This is also coming from someone who is huge into organic foods. Its nice to mix it up!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I will have to take a look at the Lean Cuisine's my mum bought for me that are in the freezer. I was avoiding them thinking they would absolutely ruin my sodium/stats, but they may not! Thanks for posting this :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'd just like to leave a little review on a frozen meal by Lean Cuisine. Today I bought the "Fajita-Style Chicken Spring Rolls" and WOW they were delicious!! 200 cals in 1 serving of 3 spring rolls & 15g of protein. I know that some people say those frozen meals are not as good for you as we think they might be, but I figured hey.. why not. It looked delicious & my, it WAS SOOO delicious. As long as you're keeping tabs on your sodium, carbs, cal, sugar intake.. all of that.. I don't see anything wrong :)

    If you haven't tried them and want a quick frozen meal for lunch or dinner.. try it! It was a great buy :)

    I don't like to eat manufactured food.