Hello all! 21 F - I'd like to find some people with similar

I've been a bit out of energy lately and so I decided to track what I was eating to see if I could make any improvements. I'd like to drop a few kilos as well but I'm more focused on increasing my fitness.

I'm 173 cm (5'8"), starting weight is 67 kgs (147.4 pounds) and goal weight is ~59 kgs (130 pounds) so if you have similar goals feel free to add me!


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello and nice to meet you!
    It sounds like you have a plan of attack and are ready to do this!
    What do you like to do for exercise/activity?
    Exercise alone will help you get to your goal, but the most effective way is to also ensure that your diet (calorie intake) is reasonable as well. You just want to make sure you burn MORE than you eat.
    If you are tracking both of those things on MFP you will definitely meet your goal.
    In the meantime, it's a pleasure to meet you!
  • rahrah88
    Hi, thanks for the reply! For exercise I'm alternating days of running with resistance training at the gym. I've only been tracking my calorie intake for the last few days, but it's been interesting - hopefully it'll help me rein in my sweet tooth a bit!