Seeking Accountability Partner in the same boat: 100+ pounds

I am looking for an accountability partner and someone who is on a similar journey.
I am a 38 year old male, 6'1'' and 305 pounds. My goal is to get to 185.

I would love to do this weight loss journey alongside someone else, for mutual accountability and motivation.

If you are also aiming to lose somewhere in the 100 pounds ballpark and think it would help to tackle this mountain alongside someone else doing the same thing, maybe we can do it together.

Some info about me:
I've lived abroad for the past 10 years and only recently spiked in weight after moving back to the U.S. I'm in Louisville studying a masters degree. For most of my 20's I weight in the high 190s and low 200s, so I'd like to return to what was "normal" for me.
