Need help drinking more water? 5 steps.

Now comon, lets all be honest. Barley anyone these days drink as much water as their meant to. So here are my top tips on how i got my water levels up ! :)

1) Some people say they can't stand the taste of water, i'm one of them. But i found out that was beaucse it was down to were i live. I live in a very hardwater area, meaning it taste quite chemically. So how to fix that? well theirs two easy options. Both quite cheap.

1a) One is called the "bobble" give it a quick search on amazon. Its basically a bottle that you fill up from tap that filters the water as you drink it.

1b) Look for a Britta water system or something along them lines, and believe me it really does make a differnce when your trying to drink more water.

2) How do we encourage ourselves to do something more? We make it more appealing and attractive to us.

2a) Buy a new water bottle. LET YOUR WALLET/PURES GO MENTAL! For example there is the "Kor Delta" water bottle! £20+ but looks amazing, i personally have this water bottle and i found myself drinking from it more often as it looked intreasting and people were asking what the hell it was and i wanted to flaunt it more ! Hell you don't even have to go that extream, a friend of mine just bought two stainless steel walking water bottles (1L each) and uses both. (keeps one in fridge)

2b) Now, this is one that i know has worked well for lots of people too. Crystal Light. This is like a powder i believe (?) that you add to water to give it flavour and it contains next to 0 calories. It also comes in packs that are high in vitamin c to help you out even more !

3) The final piece of advice i have about drinking more water, at this point your drinking out of a cool bottle that might even be flavoured and filtered !

3a) COLD. Cold water is always better than warm for me, i love to drink cold water more than warm. Alot of people i ask also tell me the same, cold water is easier and more refreshing to drink and i find it makes me want to drink more of it.

3b) WARM/HOT. Freaks. Some people i know will only drink warm-hot water, a friend even has it boiling out of the kettle into a cup and just drinks it with no coffee or anything. Im not getting at people that do this beaucse at the end of the day your still drinking water ! each to their own.

4) 4? nearly their.

4a) GIving up the soda. Soda's a hard one to give up beaucse it is addictive, lets be honest guys drinking a can of coke really fast is filling ! and it does give us all a boost even if we dont feel it. So how do you give it up? my only tip for this one is willpower, when you go to the fridge to grab that soda, look next to it at your water bottle and go NO. I'll have my water instead, my nice lovely cold water, out of my amazing bottle.

5) OMG POINT 5 !

Point 5 is simple its a round-up, with all of this information and if your willing to shop around and spend some time seaching amazon you can find lots of amazing water bottles, and crystal lite and all sorts of stuff i talked about. If you have anything to add to this little "guide" just comment and i'll edit it in :) thanks guys !

6) User submitted points ! :)

6a) This one comes form a genius ! and i tottaly forgot it, a straw, drinking out of a straw means you gulp less but drink just as fast as you normally do, this is great beaucse, sometimes you even drink more with a straw ! :)

6b) Apparenlty there is another additive type thing called 'mio'


  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    i drink out of a giant hard plastic cup with a lid and a STRAW! drinking out of a straw means you dont gulp it and you dont realize how much you are drinking either! makes it way easier and i drink over a gallon of water a day!
  • I will add that in ! i forgot about straws ! i always find my drinks go faster when im drinking out of a straw aha ! :)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    i fill up a double big gulp from 711(64oz) of ice water and have a huge straw, keep the straw in my mouth and sip little sips while im on the computer. Before i know it, i have drank the whole 64 ounces.....the key is to keep sipping continuously though
  • WOW, you two really are straw freaks ! aha
  • Someone mentioned drinking from a straw. That's always a good thing. From a Psychology standpoint, it's actually more pleasing to drink that way because of the Oral Retentive phase that silly old Freud came up with. I think it works!

    ETA: Looks like Freud's theory is being proven true. Look at all the straw lovers out there. :)
  • Yeah, i saw those two mentioned the straw and i've added it in now. :) hopefully people will get lots of help form this :)
  • I have the Brita small water bottle for personal use. It goes with me when I go for a walk/jog. I also have a 36ounce bottle that I use throughout the day. I know if I drink atleast 3 of those, then I'm set for the day. I've also found "Mio". It's the first additive that I've tried and loved. No aftertaste, which is a big thing for me.
  • i will add in about that "mio" product to go along with crystalite ! :)
  • These are great tips. I've always been very motivated when it comes to drinking water though. Water is amazing! I've been meaning to invest in one of those bobble things for a while now though!
  • I did try one of the bobble things, and i used it untill it ran out ! but then i saw the KOR DELTA, and i fell in love and just bought a britta system to match aha :)
  • I buy vitamin water and drink it because I can't stand the taste of water. If I do drink water I drink water with lemon.
  • If your talking about the vitamin water that they sell in asda, it was in a report not long ago about it containg more sugar than coke. Witch i found insane, you should try the Crystal Light and stuff :)
  • Anyone else got anyhting to add? :)
  • I love Mio. Crystal Light always seems way too sweet if I put the whole pack in. I like that you can adjust Mio to your preferences of the day.
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    When I drink water from the tap at work (we have a restaurant and several bars) I always add lemon or lime if I want some kind of flavor. My teeth are sensitive so I don't drink a lot of ice cold water and interestingly all of the bartenders have picked up on this and never put ice in my water when I ask for a cup.

    Where I am living there is a commercial on tv that compares the calories and certain drinks (sodas, flavored waters and whatnot) to whole meals and how some of them are almost the same or more than the food. Every time I go to reach for something to drink besides water I hear the commercial in my head "Don't drink your calories" Odd I know, but it helps me keep reaching for water.

    Another thing I use is a 32oz water bottle from walmart. It's absolutely nothing fancy, just a clear green little mug. I know that all I have to do is drink 2 of them a day to get my 64 ounces in and I guess it just becomes a mind over matter thing for me.

    When I work, though, I end up having cups of water all over the place, usually at almost every bar (we have 4 open most of the time) as well as in both offices and in the kitchen. I know it seems like a waste of cups, but if I bring just one water bottle I end up leaving it somewhere (I am all over that building) and rather than sitting and drinking water, I'm running around trying to find MY bottle.

    Sorry for the rambling, but I hope some part helps someone!
  • Gillby
    Gillby Posts: 22 Member
    I don't like the taste of water but i manage to get my 8 or more glasses without a second thought. How?

    3 things - i sip water while i'm exercising. A mouthful here a mouthful there. Doesn't take long to disappear and when you're hot and sweaty with dry mouth it could be salt water for all i care.

    I leave a glass beside the sink on the windowsill. When i walk past the sink for whatever reason i fill it up and gulp it down. The quicker it's down the less of it you taste.

    Stop with soft drinks. When you're at the dinner table and really need a drink you WILL drink the water. If it's the only option it won't seem so bad.

    Hope this helps.