Beach Body workouts


I'm a mom of 3 getting back in shape, with about 10 lbs to go!
I'm a extremely busy staying at home mom, I'm 2 weeks away from finishing my current workout program, and I love it so much that I want to keep doing it, with heavier weights, but I want to add a beach body workout to spice things up.

Which one would you guys recommend? I was thinking that maybe something with workouts that don't last more than an hour since I'm already doing the other one, and my kids and husband always interrupt me.

I'm not looking for something easy, I enjoy challenge, I just want stuff that works.



  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    What is your current fitness level. If you want to get serious with weights you can do P90X or Cha-LEAN Extreme...
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member

    I'm not looking for something easy, I enjoy challenge, I just want stuff that works.

    P90X is truly Challenging and you will see great results!!!
  • Chalean Xtreme... Never longer than 45 minutes, great, hard workout with heavy, slow weight lifting... :)
  • I love Tony Horton's 10 Minute trainer. It has 4 vigorous circuit/ calisthenic workouts and a yoga workout. Each of them 10 minutes. I usually do 2 of the workouts and I'm just pouring sweat afterwords. lol
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I am way addicted to Insanity!! I love it and like it much better than p90x......much more cardio!!
  • bump!
  • efarester
    efarester Posts: 135 Member
    I am doing TurboFire right now and LOVE it :) The workout times range from 20/30 minutes to about an hour depending on the day. I really enjoy Chalene as a trainer.

    If you are super busy - 10 Minute Trainer may be a great option. I haven't done it personally, but have heard great things about it. It is short but intense. On days when you have more time, you can double up on the workouts.

    Hope this helps!

  • I love Shaun T - I did Insanity, fast and furious (I do a warm up, then go through the workout twice and then do the cooldown, less than 30 min!), now doing Asylum. The only thing is that the strength workouts do not have enough cardio, so I run on those days when I can. It all comes down to time. I am afraid of P90X, i do not want to bulk up.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    I am way addicted to Insanity!! I love it and like it much better than p90x......much more cardio!!

    It also doesn't require many if any items for you workouts!! I love Insanity!!
  • CherryTop
    CherryTop Posts: 41 Member
    I wake at 5am to get in my workout before my 4 kids & husband can interrupt my P90X workouts.
    CRAZY you say ... not at all ! I have energy to truck through my busy day ... I do not spend my day trying to strategically plan to ensure I get in my workout ... and some days I get in an extra workout.