For all my food obsessors out there..



  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Pretty much anything involving potatoes. Roasted, oven baked, pan-fried, smashed....basically healthy preparations with herbs and olive oil. But I could seriously eat a whole pound of them, given the chance. Lol. Not even talking about mashed, fried or in chip form..... *happy sigh*
  • sarahlyzzibeth
    Peanut butter. not a sandwich... I can stop after one sandwich. It's a SPOONFUL of peanut butter I can't let myself have... or else I'll sit there and eat 5, maybe 6 spoonfuls. Same with nutella, haha.
    also... peanut butter/chocolate bugels. and peanut butter m&ms. and reese's (especially those new tiny unwrapped ones... oh my goodness I could eat a million!)

    (are we sensing a theme here?)
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    ohhh sarah i hear you on that.... peanutbutter... .yumm off to bed so i dont get into the jar and never come out
  • sarahlyzzibeth
    ohhh sarah i hear you on that.... peanutbutter... .yumm off to bed so i dont get into the jar and never come out

    haha so true. ooh, i forgot to mention, has anyone ever had perfect foods bars? they're a protein bar and the carob chip flavor literally tastes like a reese's, but it's a meal bar. best thing ever :)
  • Yayi724
    Yayi724 Posts: 13
    Cookies, especially chocolate chip, homemade soft and warm. I can easily eat a whole tray.
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    Oh who couldn't eat a whole thing of cookies and peanut butter in one sitting!! Lol I know I can. It stinks because family and friend events haven't been fun in the past couple years bc of my eating.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Chinese food, i cant even walk into the place. i used to do 2 platefuls easily.

    Yep... I just avoid it all together now.
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    brownies!! i love them, but they dont love me! lol. i cant bake them bc i end up eating most of the pan, if not all of it. and then my poor hubby doesnt get any. =(
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    lol i am craving everything in my house right now..... ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol those brownies with peanutbutter frosting on my counter look really good.... hahhaah
  • RichGebs
    Wow looking back at t thread from 3 months ago... I've gotten so much worse.. Now three months later, I can't eat more than 200-300 calories without feeling guilty and I only eat salad, grilled chicken and cereal now a days (I feel guilty even after eating cereal!) ahh! Lol
  • runbikebreathe
    Ugh, chocolate chip cookies. It's way too hard for me to stop at just one!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    nothing, even if you go over your cals one day or a few days it won't be detrimental to your diet
  • dreanance
    I no longer buy or eat nuts, nut butters or any form of sweets. All are trigger foods and I can't stop.
  • jld1675
    jld1675 Posts: 14 Member
    Lays potato chips. I can't even have them in my house!
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    omgggg so much: chocolate chip cookies. cakes/cupcakes/scones etc. Salty snacks-cheezits, goldfish popcorn etc. Mac and cheese. haha notice a pattern? salty, cheezy, sweet nomnomnom and THATS how I got to be 35 lbs overwheight
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Chocolate fudge Pop Tarts - they don't even have to be warm. I can stop at one, but it triggers a "junk" binge.
  • greycindercat
    This is my second week on my program. I went to the Chinese restaurant and only ate one plate! Even though I packed in the calories, I considered that I did good because I would have had 2+ plates of food plus dessert! oh. . .yea. . . and BREAD. . .oh how I love bread!!! But, so far, I'm doing good with this. I eat one slice per serving. I have found Arnold mini wheat sandwich thins . . excellent!!!
  • deneanne88
    Olive Garden breadsticks.. Yum! And boysenberry pie. I haven't had either in two years! I feel like if I started eating stuff like that again I would do a total backslide.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    what's wrong with a natural pb sandwich on whole grain bread? :)
    Nothing, but these are the foods we can't control so we avoid.

    Me? Coffee. Not just any cup of coffee, I want a nice kona blend prepared in my french press. No frou frou flavored creamers. I like creme and maybe a bit of stevia to sweeten, but I want a pastry along side it. Something rich and decadent and probably a zillion calories from the bakery. I know I can't have it. Coffee triggers my insomnia and I'd hate to think what kind of hoops I'd have to do in order to fit cream and a bakery pastry into my food goal for the day.

    It's not that I can't control it, it's that I feel terrible after eating it.. With it being nearly 350cal/ sandwich, I just can't do it.. Because with my apple, and 30 special k chips I would eat with it, it becomes a 550 cal lunch which I cannot to.. It has to be 400 or less if I will eat it guilt free...

    Try using PB2 sometime. It's pricey but very very low cal. Tolerable taste too.

    For me, it's odd. I can't think of anything. I eat pizza, ice cream, beer, whatever.. Just have relatively small quantities and then I move on. Is that unusual?