Newbie Here!!

Hi I am excited to get going and to start taking better action of my diet and exercise. I have loved being able to have a tool to help me along the way and it has helped me so far, so let's hope I can keep it up :)


  • ellenrose25
    i just started today too! good luckkk
  • timetoflyno1
    hi I started just over a week ago and amazed at how fantastic fitnesspal is as a tool for self control, to be accountable for all that i consume and take responsibility for the results - No excuses now. Look forward to the journey with you all.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I've been on here for just over a month, and it has helped me shift the way I eat and exercise. I'm sure you will keep it up. Best wishes :)
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    welcome. I love MFP! it really puts my food in perspective. My first week I just ate what I would normally eat to see where my "overages" were.

    With all the nutritional info right there it really lets you take control of what goes in your body!

  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    Good luck. I started a little over 2 months and have really become a true fan of MFP. Its the first time I have been truly accountable for what I have been putting in my mouth. :-)