Logging Meals

It’s important to note that food logging is one of the most successful habits you can develop for weight loss and maintenance. In fact, data from the National Weight Control Registry (the largest study on successful long-term weight loss) highlights food logging as a vital component in weight control. The Harvard School of Public Health says, "It's easy to eat more than you plan to. A daily food diary can make you more aware of exactly how much you are eating. Include everything, no matter how small or insignificant it seems. Small noshes and drinks of juice add up to real calories."


  • FitterSlimMe
    FitterSlimMe Posts: 16 Member
    I agree. That's what works best for me.
  • aoede
    aoede Posts: 30 Member
    For me, it has especially helped me realise how many calories are in alcohol...I had no idea how many calories I was ingesting before just by going for a few cocktails! Now I know that if I want to go out for drinks, I need to do sport before hand.
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    Definitely! I have NEVER lost weight without logging food. I have lost weight in the past, and the only way I was able to do it was keeping a food diary. I know it works, and that's why I'm here! Easier this time with MFP :)