I think I'm stuck!

I started MFP on Aug 12 or13. A week and a half ago (Sunday 4th) I logged my weight in at 146.6, which was 9lbs gone. Well, I have went up 1lb and have stayed there since then. I am exercising on a regular basis and eating at or under my calorie goal. I do drink protein shakes after a good workout and Im wondering if that's the reason my weight has stalled...Should I stop drinking them? Please look at my diary and tell me your opinions!! Thank You!!


  • mfwaineo
    mfwaineo Posts: 5 Member
    You might be eating too little. It looks like you are barely eating over a thousand calories. Your body can go into starvation mode and hang onto everything it gets when that happens. Just a thought.
  • sryan8408
    Where the heck are your veggies?
  • sryan8408
    Sounds like you're in a plateau. After 21 days your body adapts to your new change and doesn't work super hard to try and burn calories because its routine. All you need to do is change your routine to confuse your body. Say you always run at 5mph on the treadmill and do 30 reps of certain exercises when you go to the gym. Amp it up. Try doing days where you sprint on the treadmill and then walk. Then change up the exercises of reps, say you do 100 sit ups, try doing them on the incline bar, increase your weights. Also you have to change up your eating habits a bit. Don't eat the same meals every day. Like cereal and milk and fruit for breakfast every day. Or a sandwich, carrot sticks, and a fruit cup. You have to change it up or your body kinda goes into shock, never knows whats coming next.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    definetly eating too little. i know, it seems weird that we would be telling you to eat more to lose weigt, but your body needs fuel, especially if you are re-eating your calories (which you should)
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    You've plateau'd because you're not eating back your exercise calories. As a result you're in starvation mode (where your body refuses to let go of any more weight. Scary thing eating more than your allowance, but it'll be fine - see my blog at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/russelljclarke, and add me as a friend if you like
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    You could try changing your macro's. MFP has the carbs set a little high. I re-adjusted mine to Carbs 35% Protein 35% fat 30%. I found when I first stalled, I did this and started losing again.

    Also check out how much sugar you are consuming. Sugar can really limit the weight loss.

    Re-adjust and re-check and see what works for you.

    Good luck!
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    Starvation mode alert!

    It might seem a good idea to lose weight faster by cutting cals but your body is not stupid and will hang on, bt drastically reducing your metabolism and attaxcking muscle and not fat!

    Seriously tho - everyone else has said it - its not hard to see from your diary -(not sure how accurate it is?) but Thurs 8th Sept - 700 odd cals in exercise and only eating 1063??? what planet would this make sense on??

    I'm a bit speechless tbh! The best way to make it all clear is to add up 1 weeks worth or your intake, minus all the weeks exercise, and divide by 7!

    If you think that the daily amount is enough to keep a human alive (think BMR at the very least) then all good - if not re-do it perhaps?
  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    I get confused sometimes because I have read stories on here of people who did not eat their exercise calories and were still losing. I ate them in the beginning, and lost. So I guess DUH, back to eating them again!! Thanks for your honesty and I hope the next time I post it will be in Success Stories!!!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I get confused sometimes because I have read stories on here of people who did not eat their exercise calories and were still losing. I ate them in the beginning, and lost. So I guess DUH, back to eating them again!! Thanks for your honesty and I hope the next time I post it will be in Success Stories!!!
    The 'nay sayers' haven't done the research. Ignore, or you'll get ill!
  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi there! I think you need to up your calorie intake.

    It seems our goals are the same. I wanted to lose about 20 lbs. I also hit a plateau a while back. I upped my calories to 1400/day. I don't always eat my exersise calories. It depends on the day. But I usually don't go lower than 1350-1400 calories per day.

    After looking at your dairy, I'd also suggest eating a lot more fruits a vegetables. During the week that is the majority of my food during the day.

    Good luck!
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    I get confused sometimes because I have read stories on here of people who did not eat their exercise calories and were still losing. I ate them in the beginning, and lost. So I guess DUH, back to eating them again!! Thanks for your honesty and I hope the next time I post it will be in Success Stories!!!

    Also sorry - didn't mean to sound harsh - just to the point in my earlier reply!

    I actually only just discovered I was doing the same thing, well, I was eating lots of calories,. but exercising so much the I was taking my body into starvation by averaging 1000- 1200 per day net which was not enough!
    Happy to report with eating more ive lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks!