weights vs cardio

which one is more effective in fat burning?
I've always been under the impression that cardio was where it's at for women for burning calories, but since I've started with a trainer, realizing how mistaken I've been!
But on my at-home-exercising days, I'm kind of limited.

So basically, on my non-gym/trainer days would it be more effective for me to run for 30 minutes
or to do a little this and that with my 5, 10, & 20 pounders that I have at home (keep in mind that I'm a 5'2 female so there's plenty of challenge to be had in the 10 & 20 lbs with certain moves. Though I really need to get some 15 & 12 lbs)

Thoughts, comments, concerns?


  • soloral
    Both together
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Both together
  • Dandersonjr32
    Cardio burns calories, but does very little to build muscle mass. Too much cardio will burn muscle as well. Muscle mass will make you weigh more, slim your shape and burn more calories during the day as muscle burns more calories than fat.

    For me, weights first, cardio second.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    Both together
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    I run 20 minutes run and 30 mins intense cardio plus 100 crunches 6 days a week.. Thats best and thats what I am doing to get my stomach down. Forming nicely.

    Good luck :)
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
  • PlumLovin
    Try Bob Harper's(Biggest Loser) Power Walk DVD, it has cardio then on the second mile you add weights. It has me sweating more than just about any other thing I was doing including the 30 Day Shred.
  • suzieb1971
    suzieb1971 Posts: 312 Member
    you have to do both
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    nicely put!
    Cardio burns calories, but does very little to build muscle mass. Too much cardio will burn muscle as well. Muscle mass will make you weigh more, slim your shape and burn more calories during the day as muscle burns more calories than fat.

    For me, weights first, cardio second.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    which one is more effective in fat burning?
    I've always been under the impression that cardio was where it's at for women for burning calories, but since I've started with a trainer, realizing how mistaken I've been!
    But on my at-home-exercising days, I'm kind of limited.

    So basically, on my non-gym/trainer days would it be more effective for me to run for 30 minutes
    or to do a little this and that with my 5, 10, & 20 pounders that I have at home (keep in mind that I'm a 5'2 female so there's plenty of challenge to be had in the 10 & 20 lbs with certain moves. Though I really need to get some 15 & 12 lbs)

    Thoughts, comments, concerns?

    As most folks have said...both. Try interval training + circuit training with your weights. It's killer.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    You know, i always though i was a cardio freak...until i tried weight lifting. Now i try my best to balance them out. As for your at home time-that's the only place i workout! I would do a short-super intense cardio workout (things like burpees, mountain climbers, 180 squat jumps, etc) for 10-15 minutes, then for the remainder of your half-hour lift relatively heavy. If heavy is 10-20lbs, awesome! However, if you find a move that ISN'T hard (example:i do bicep curls with 30-40lbs, and back moves with 50-60) do more reps!

    If you want more fat burn, do higher reps-lighter weight (DO NOT DO 100 bicep curls with 3lbs, because if you can do THAT many, it is TOO EASY. I am saying this mostly for my mother. AHEM.) However, for serious fat-burning potential try to build some muscle for a while using heavier weight (make sure your form is correct, don't get sloppy just ot lift heavy!) and when you work out at home, do some serious cardio first and lift second, i found this little formula is where the money's at on fat-fighting!
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    I do both. I work out at home 2-3x a week and I do circuit training. And I take a step and sculpting class 2x per week.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Do both, but on seperate days. They compliment each other.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Weight training pwns cardio because weights keep burning calories well after your workout is complete.

    Cardio is fine if you want to become a "smaller you" and some people are naturally stocky and muscular

    But if you are not one of those types and you want a nice shapely figure, you MUST weight train. Otherwise you will be a bag of bones. lol

    I personally do much more weight training than cardio but I def do both often.
  • Crazyrunningwolf
    I agree, both together in the same day. But remember, you do not half to kill yourself with the cardio or the weights. A brisk 20-30 minute walk is a good start and then some simple 8-10LB dumbbell curls, three sets of 12 reps each arm is a good start. The way to tell if you are using the correct weight is if your arm starts to burn around rep 10. Those are good for the biceps and then you can do a tricep extension using 10LB dumbbell. Another easy exercise that does not take up a lot of time, but YOU WILL see results is the plank or superman, aim for 30seconds at first and then work your way up slowly each week or so. I guarantee your abdominals will be SORE!!! Try this and LMK what you think and feel about this workout! :happy: Oh and BTW if you want to switch it up and work on your lower body, try one of those exercise bands while sitting in a chair with the band wrapped around your thighs doing abduction exercises, again 12reps and three sets. Alternate upper and lower body workouts weekly so you do not become one big sore body walking around, LOL. Anyway, I hope this helps. :happy:
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I would do weights with my trainer ( 2 - 3x a week) and then cardio on non-gym/trainer days.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Popular subject lately.

    As already stated, ideally you'd do some of both.

    I have been at both ends of the spectrum and in my experience, lifting weights far out burned running. I lifted weights only 2-3 days a week, but hard & heavy. I could (and did) eat everything in sight and could maintain a fairly low body fat %.

    Running a lot (little to no lifting) I can't eat nearly as much if i want to maintain that same BF%
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Here's the thing, burning calories is relatively meaningless. Burning FAT is what you want. In order to do that, you need a combination of cardio and strength. Cardio is great for burning fat, HOWEVER, it's even better for burning off muscle mass. You need strength training to force your body to retain muscle mass, so you burn more fat. What I would do, based on what you said, is strength train with your trainer, and then do cardio at home. You only need to strength train 1 or 2 times a week, and 2-3 times a week for cardio. Personally I do cardio on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and strength train on Tuesdays and Thursdays while my goal is fat loss. When my goal is muscle building, I generally reverse that. I try not to do both on the same day, as your muscles will need time to recover from both activities. Your muscles can only store so much energy at any one time, and using them all for cardio and then trying to strength train, or vice-versa, will just have a detrimental effect on your workout overall.
  • Dandersonjr32
    If you want more fat burn, do higher reps-lighter weight (DO NOT DO 100 bicep curls with 3lbs, because if you can do THAT many, it is TOO EASY. I am saying this mostly for my mother. AHEM.) However, for serious fat-burning potential try to build some muscle for a while using heavier weight (make sure your form is correct, don't get sloppy just ot lift heavy!) and when you work out at home, do some serious cardio first and lift second, i found this little formula is where the money's at on fat-fighting!

    This is absolutely true, do 4 SETS X 12 REPS, with the first set at 50% weight to warm the muscle. Also, a great way to boost the calorie burn of a weight lifting workout and cut your time down at the gym is to superset your weights. Do opposing muscle groups in tandem. For example, I do a FLAT BARBELL TRICEPS EXTENSION and go right into a STANDING BARBELL CURL with no rest.

    This keeps the heart rate up and burns calories, effectively making your weight training a cardio workout.