EASTER Fitness Challenge Check-In February 23

Ahh, the weekend. We eat more so we need to exercise more - at least that's true of me.

I learned last night that all the good fitness book themes are taken. I was at our used book store and saw, "Punk Rock Aerobics". Not kidding. I flipped through it. It was really, really, bad. People dressed up in torn clothes doing regular workout stuff with new names. The clothes were way over the top.

Yesterday I did Tae Bo advanced live tape - it's about 50-60 minutes. Do you ever wonder why Blanks sweats so much? It doesn't even seem real. What the hell is he doing between cuts?

Today is weights again - third time this week. I didn't make it to a single class, but I think I'm pushing myself enough.

Have a great workout,



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Ahh, the weekend. We eat more so we need to exercise more - at least that's true of me.

    I learned last night that all the good fitness book themes are taken. I was at our used book store and saw, "Punk Rock Aerobics". Not kidding. I flipped through it. It was really, really, bad. People dressed up in torn clothes doing regular workout stuff with new names. The clothes were way over the top.

    Yesterday I did Tae Bo advanced live tape - it's about 50-60 minutes. Do you ever wonder why Blanks sweats so much? It doesn't even seem real. What the hell is he doing between cuts?

    Today is weights again - third time this week. I didn't make it to a single class, but I think I'm pushing myself enough.

    Have a great workout,

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Today is an hour of spinning.
    and a walk there and back.

    Punk Rock Aerobics? LOL. I keep looking at the original Jane Fonda workouts, which are out on DVD now. I'm too embarrassed to actually buy it, but it's one of my childhood memories. . .

    Yes, I'm convinced that all the exercise videos have huge sprayers off camera that are keeping those folks glistening. (or dripping. . .)

    Happy Saturday, ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    Hi Everyone.....I went to the gym early this morning 40 min cardio and 20 weight training.:drinker: :drinker: :smile:

    Have a GREAT Saturday !!!!!
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Did 30 minutes of cardio this morning woke up and had just enough time to get this in before the baby woke up
  • ltsoccermom
    Hey everyone!

    I got up at 7am this morning and out the door with my bike at 730am. I logged 15 miles this morning and will go out again tomorrow dodging family activities and still get the miles in. This week I did not ride as many times but logged more miles.:happy:

    I have had 2 VERY stressful weeks with work and want to know if anyone has info on stress being counter productive with your body losing weight. I'm not talking about stress eating because I have only gone over on calories once this week by 150 calories and I exercised that day so the net result was about even for the day. The scale still says the same.:noway:

    I am so frustrated after gaining 2 lbs back and now not able to lose anything in the past 2 weeks. I have been building muscle but I thought it all equaled out when I stared losing weight. Now I am sitting here again waiting for something to happen while I watch what I eat and keep spinning the peddles on my bike.:sad:

    Does anyone know about a chemical imbalance with the body when stress is introduced???


  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Checking in REAL QUICK! Did walking yesterday plus got all of my water, vitamins & meds. Planning to eat well today and hit the fitness room tonight!

    ++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I don't know about any imbalance with stress, but I've noticed that as well.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Good Morning from not-so-sunny California!

    Just did an easy 15 minute yoga video (first time since having knee surgery -- things are definitely still feeling a little shaky).

    Fitness goal for today:
    Swimming laps for 30 minutes
    Walking for 30 minutes

    Yes, I've heard and experienced weight retention because of stress. I think your body goes into its own kind of survival mode...and for some reason hangs on to the LBs. Exercise is just about the only thing that works for me to de-stress. Warm baths don't work when my head is all chaos...
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    I fell asleep before working out last night; bummer 'cause I would have had a good day all together.

    I got smart with my game coverage today; had to stand at indoor tennis matches for 6hours; alternated every other game doing calf raise holds. Essentially I stood on my tip toes for the games, and the ones that hit deuce about 4 times really had me shaking & burning!!!

    60 min strength & aerobics still to go. Another lacrosse match tomorrow in Charlotte. Hope the weather is better than yesterday!
  • ltsoccermom
    If exercise is the only way I am already doing it. I now have 200 miles on my bike since I started my diet January 17th. That is an average of 40 miles a week. To exercise more to rid myself of the stress is not going to be easy the 40 miles a week takes time (about 8 hours a week). If I didn't work I would have less stress and more time to exercise but that just is not going to happen. Not sure where else I can sacrifice time to exercise more.:sad:

    I hope I start losing pounds soon because it is frustrating to not see the results.
