Weight gain after bowel removal surgery

13 years ago I underwent surgery to remove ~metre of bowel. I have always held a healthy weight and bmi however no matter how hard I try it seems there has been a roadblock in gaining weight. I weigh 70kg and I aim to 80kg by Christmas. Has anyone had similar circumstances or would know the best food/diet for someone in my situation? Appreciate the advice.


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    This will be individualized because of so many variables & my experience may differ from yours considerably.

    What strategies have you applied thus far?

  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    I would seek the advice of a doctor first. There are certainly some knowledgeable people here but people with knowledge about a bowel removal on the scale of yours and how it affects your digestion and caloric needs is going to be pretty limited.

    In general, to gain weight, you eat more calories than you burn. If you have trouble doing that then you want to eat foods that are very calorie dense. There's a thread devoted to the topic of gaining weight that you might want to check out:


    Again, I'd recommend picking a strategy and consulting a doctor before implementing it given your unique situation.