Accountability buddy



  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited July 2021
    @drollings2019 -
    So, I have started working on a big life purge. I don't like to hold to on to things that don't have value to me anymore, but I have a whole lot of junk sitting around. I have a garage, shed and basement that I am going to be working on. My goal with my purge is to make room for a weight bench that both me and my boys can use. I might be able to make some money for it too! Probably the most important is my mental purge. I am trying to get rid of all the negative thoughts that I have about myself. I am not the same person I was 20 years ago (before I had kids) and never will be. I don't need to continue to compare myself to that person. I've told my husband when I say something negative about myself, he needs to call me out on it. Then I verbally have to tell him something positive about myself :D He say's positive things about me all the time, but I don't always believe them about myself. But I am making progress every day and I am happy about that!

    It sounds as though both you and @highmaintnance purged unwanted items to make space for a home workout area. So inspiring!

    My house isn’t really big enough for a workout space but the gym is so close that it only takes a minute or two to get there. I’m going to make an effort to go more often.

    I was visiting a friend so I didn’t check in much last week but I’ve been thinking of the active group members here! Tonight, I was distracted by the Olympics so I still haven’t spent much time reflecting on my week. My father was an Olympic athlete and coach and I’ve always loved watching the spirit and goodwill that the athletes demonstrate - despite the tremendous pressure (mentally and physically) they experience during competition - while representing their countries and striving to perform at the highest level in the world. They’ve worked so long and hard for this moment. Surely, I can get to the gym 30 minutes a day this week! That’s my goal starting tomorrow! 😅

    I hope everyone is doing well! What’s your goal?
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    I am on the struggle bus this week, to be completely honest. My goal is to eat decently and to be really self aware of stress eating. I have three retirement parties to go to in the next two days, which means three opportunities to eat ice cream and cake. That will require some will power. I've been keeping with my smoothies for breakfasts and veggie meals for lunch. Working out has been pushed aside for the most part. I am planning on trying to get to the gym tomorrow after work. I will not beat myself up over this, I am literally doing the best I can to not fall apart completely. I repeat that to myself on the reg, lol. I also cite the first line of the serenity prayer to myself. I am a control freak and I have to remember that there are some things I cannot control, and that is ok!

    Anyone, not a very inspirational or uplifting post today. I guess I will spokesperson for fighting the good fight even under less than ideal conditions. To add to PatriceFitnesspal's post, what are some hurdles you have to overcome to reach your goals and how are you handling them?

    Stay strong, look for the positives, let people support you. Find the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    My week started off not so good, but I am determined to turn it around! I am covering for someone on vacation (in addition to my own duties), so I am putting in some extra time there. My husband has to go to work an hour earlier than normal for the next few weeks, so my morning routine is all off track. I like to walk before work and it is so much nicer to do it outside, but it is starting to stay darker longer, so that has my walks starting later. It's almost to the point where I will have to switch to the treadmill and that depresses me. The kids routine is off this week as we switched some days so they could spend time with their dad before he went on vacation. So, I had to rearrange my meal plan. I made myself get back into my routine this morning, but Monday and Tuesday were a disaster. Good news though, the week is half over...every day is one step closer to normalcy...and we did some purging in the garage this weekend and my husband found a weight bench for a really good deal!! Now, to find time to utilize it :D
  • brittanyschlie87
    brittanyschlie87 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2021
    If there is anyone who is interested in being an accountability buddy with a 34 yo female, my SW is 248 my GW is 150. I have tried so many times in the past, but never had anyone to say "youre doing great, keep going" or anything like that so I would just give up and think to myself, I'll just be chubby my entire life. I would love someone who is willing to text and see how we did that day what our biggest gain was or our biggest struggle for the day. I am not picky when it comes to sex of the buddy, I just would love to have someone to talk to who understands the journey I am on.
  • cactusgyrl
    cactusgyrl Posts: 3 Member
    If there is anyone who is interested in being an accountability buddy with a 34 yo female, my SW is 248 my GW is 150. I have tried so many times in the past, but never had anyone to say "youre doing great, keep going" or anything like that so I would just give up and think to myself, I'll just be chubby my entire life. I would love someone who is willing to text and see how we did that day what our biggest gain was or our biggest struggle for the day. I am not picky when it comes to sex of the buddy, I just would love to have someone to talk to who understands the journey I am on.

    I, too, would like an accountability buddy, someone who I can text daily and especially when I am struggling. I don't even want to say what my starting weight is, but I am morbidly obese and need to lose the weight for my health. I lost 84lbs 2 years ago on my own with the help of MFP, but then I gained it all back. I restarted my diet on 7/24, but then last night and tonight I binged on Burger King and chocolate. I know what to do in order to lose weight but it's such a struggle! I need a buddy to talk me out of getting fast food all the time, and other bad eating habits. Brittany, I'll be your buddy if you will be mine. Others are welcome to join in!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited July 2021
    @brittanyschlie87 and @cactusgyrl - Welcome! It’s great that you matched up with a direct accountability buddy so quickly! How is everything going for you? Feel free to keep posting your goals and checking in with progress updates on this thread, too, if the additional support is helpful.

    @highmaintnance - I also find a lot of strength in the Serenity Prayer. It’s such a great guide for navigating life and deciding where to invest our limited time and energy. I always appreciate the persistence you and @drollings2019 demonstrate and it encourages me to keep pushing forward through tough days … or weeks!

    I am also facing some disruptions to my usual schedule, @drollings2019, so I am impressed that you were able to make adjustments mid-week to refocus on meal planning, etc. I traveled to visit a friend in Charleston, SC, and my sister and another friend joined us their from Boston. Although there were a couple of times I went off track (e.g., brunch was delicious) it was fun to see everyone and they are a good influence on me. One friend is working hard to maintain sobriety, so it benefited all of us by not drinking as a way to support her. Personally, I don’t drink much anyway but it’s definitely something that adds a lot of calories during social events, which I really noticed as we moved out of pandemic isolation after being vaccinated.

    Last night, I attended a really nice birthday party for a fellow rower. I tried to plan ahead by eating some protein before the party, and that helped me resist a cheeseburger. I still ate the lobster roll, which added some calories to my day but felt like a reasonable trade off. In the past, I definitely would have eaten both the mini-cheeseburger AND lobster roll. Instead, I sampled a few healthy items (e.g., gazpacho and a spinach appetizer) and passed on the cheese plate and sugar cookie desserts. So, concentrating on quality over quantity- and indulging in only things I wouldn’t usually have available at home - has helped me find some balance. The mojito definitely put me over my calorie target for the day but I still stayed within maintenance range. So, I’m calling it a ‘win.’

    @highmaintnance - I think the example above represents the hurdle I have to overcome to meet my goal. Like you, I’m facing some upcoming parties, celebrations and changes to my routine that could threaten my success. I’m trying to focus on the positive aspects of these events. While food and high calorie drinks are often part of the celebrations, they are not the fundamental reason we are coming together. So, I’m going to make an extra effort to connect with the people instead of the things. I’m not sure if this approach will work but, over the past year, I’ve learned more about the relationships I want to nurture. I’ll try to pay attention to the positive ones and continue to declutter my life of the negative ones. Thanks for posing the question that got me thinking about this!

    I’m glad your husband was able to find a workout bench for a good price @drollings2019. It sounds as though your workout space is coming together. Congratulations on cleaning out garage items to make room for the equipment. You’ve made great progress in meeting your goal!

    How’s everyone doing this week? I’ve signed up for an extra class to help increase my activity level in August because I have some travel and routine changes that I need to compensate for … I hope my plan works! Best wishes in reaching your goals. A new month brings a clean slate! Go get those goals, Accountability buddies!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Evening all....hadn't realised how long it had been since I posted...but I have been popping on and reading messages. Time is just seemingly in short supply! I started a new course and my work at the dog training school has really picked up!

    I really have been trying to make an effort to work out each day, but I'm struggling to pin down the focus on my diet. Despite upping exercise it isn't making any change to my weight so I obviously need to put some focus into food.... must make better choices!

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @kiay131982 - It’s wonderful to see an update from you! I’m glad to hear your dog training is going well. It must be rewarding to do work you enjoy. Best wishes on setting and achieving your nutrition goals!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Omg. July was rough. Time to get my head back in the game and get back on track. Time to get off the lazy train. July has been eating to many foods I shouldn’t be. No exercise. And way to much beer. This morning I was at my highest weight this summer, probably highest weight all year. I know I will be able to drop it pretty quickly but have made no progress which is sad. Going to take this week slow getting back exercising but plan on 3 5 km walks and some weights.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @renaegry - I hope you enjoyed your family time. I’m so glad to see so many Accountability buddies posting updates. This is a busy month of transitions for me, as my sons prepare to return to college, etc. We’ll soon settle into a Fall routine so I’ll enjoy their visit while I can! Best wishes for the coming week.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    As of this morning, I am 1/2 a pound away from my first goal (to get out of these 190's I've been stuck in forever)!! I am going to make it happen this week :) July was a pretty busy month and was spent trying to get back into the swing of things, organizing and finding my routine. Days I have to deviate from my routine, really mess me up! My favorite is my morning walk. It's not a race or a walk to really get my heart pumping, it's just a great way to start my day watching the sun come up. Those days are numbered though, as it is starting to take longer for that sun to come up. I am not quite ready for the summer to be over. August really starts our busy season with sports and lots do do on weekends. I am glad I am not starting my journey here because the rush of the days might make me fail. But, I have been preparing for it and have a plan...I am not going to fail this time!!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited August 2021
    @drollings2019 - Good for you! It really helps to plan ahead as a way to get through tough times. I seem to stall at milestones, especially at 10 pound increments, but consistency pays off. So, I’m confident you’ll get there! I’m also wishing we could extend the summer season. I’m much more active in summer so it feels like more work to exercise during the colder months.

    Fall is a beautiful season here so I’ll just focus on enjoying it … since it seems so short-lived. I remember how much more pleasant the summer evenings were when my children were younger because we didn’t have to balance homework into the mix, and there were fewer sport practices/ activities, so the children played more freely. They did pretty well adjusting back to the familiar structure of the school-year but it was much more work for me!

    I hope you can find a way to continue the walks that you enjoy so much!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal Any time at the lake is awesome. Lol. We love it down there. Home now till the 12th. My kids are in grade 8 and 11. They don’t go back to school till Sept 1.

    @drollings2019 Congrats. You can do it.
  • jkreutzfeldt
    jkreutzfeldt Posts: 420 Member
    Hi all! I’d love to add more accountability buddies to my list! I’ve struggled with my weight for about 20 years and have had periodic success, but have always “fallen off the wagon.” I’m on a new journey though with tons of support I never had before, including a weight loss doctor, a dietician, a weight loss support group, a therapist— I feel like I’m really building a team to help me meet my health and fitness goals!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can be a mutual support to each other! 😁
  • azgz6
    azgz6 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey if anyone still needs an accountability buddy, feel free to add me. I'm just starting my weight loss journey.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    Welcome @jkreutzfeldt and @azgz6!

    I’ve had success posting weekly goals here. Usually, we use this space to report on our progress, reflect on adjustments we need to make to improve, and encourage others to achieve their goals, too. Sometimes people also reach out to others with similar interests or circumstances and partner up for more direct support.

    I ‘ebb and flow’ in my comments in the ‘Friends’ section but try to be supportive so feel free to send me a friend request if you want. You can also share your goals and progress here.

    @jkreutzfeldt - It sounds as though you’ve assembled a strong circle of support. Great steps forward! I’ll look forward to hearing more about the short term targets you’ve set for yourself with your nutrition and fitness team!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited August 2021
    I’m just checking in with the group to see how everyone is doing. Are you seeing any positive changes? Are you learning anything through your MFP tracking or experiences to help improve your success?

    I have a long drive ahead this weekend and need to make a plan so I don’t end up eating unhealthy ‘drive-through’ meals. I bought some seaweed snacks, which will be a good option between meals. I’m trying to decide whether to pack sandwiches or just choose something nutritious from the menu options available to us when we stop along the way. I don’t want to end up eating sandwiches in addition to a meal when we stop for gas, etc. 😬

    My regular habit tracker is going well and I’m gradually moving closer to my goal weight. Right now, I’m about 128.5 pounds (~58 kilos) and my target is 125 by the end of the year. I have my annual physical in October so, ideally, I’d like to achieve my goal by then. However, my progress is about 1 pound per month at this point.

    In the summer, I exercise more because there are many opportunities to row while the water is calmer. My son has also been a good influence - by doing daily abdominal workouts together - but he’ll be returning to college soon. So, I’m a little worried about making the transition to the ‘maintenance’ phase … which is really not a phase if I manage to make the necessary lifestyle changes needed. It will be fall or winter when I’ll need to focus on staying within a particular range, probably 125-130 for me at 5’4 inches tall.

    I consulted an experienced group of MFP members (i.e., long term maintenance after their initial weight loss) who recommended staying at the same daily calorie amount, rather than raising the target. At first, I thought I’d gradually add about 100 or 200 calories on the nutrition side of the equation but, since my fitness level declines during the colder months, their advice makes sense. I’m thinking about getting a DEXA scan as a ‘reward’ for reaching my goal. So, I’ll reassess once I get the results. I might add some weight training to build muscle and may need to add calories then.

    Do any of you have any thoughts or advice about adjusting calories/nutrition levels when adding weight training? I might consult a nutritionist and/ or personal trainer for guidance, if needed, but appreciate any insights you all have. Best wishes for the coming weekend/week. I hope all is well!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey!! I think it depends on your current intake. When I started strength work I upped my calories, felt really against the grain but actually the results happened much faster! When you eat too little your body fights every change, when it's nourished well it works with it x
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    I didn't do a very good job holding myself accountable this past weekend. I am not really sure what happened, but it did. All I can do at this point is remember how I feel today and move forward, so that is what I am doing. I started my new schedule today so that means doing my morning walk on the treadmill instead of outside. It was raining this morning so I wasn't too upset about it, but I did miss that fresh air. I will have an hour extra in the evenings now, so maybe I can get the fresh air then. I was proud of myself or getting up early enough to still continue the walks, even though I am going to work an hour earlier! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited August 2021
    @kiay131982 - Thanks for your feedback on the question I posed about adjusting my daily calorie target during the maintenance phase. I think I’m going to add some weightlifting once the rowing season ends in October or November. I’m hoping I can make the behavior switch as a replacement activity so it feels more seamless.

    @drollings2019 - How has your walking schedule adjustment been going since your work hours changed? Did you decide if it works better to use the treadmill indoors or shift your walking time to the evening so you can continue to enjoy the outdoors?

    I like your attitude of leaving the past in the past and moving forward. As many MFP members have demonstrated, consistency over time leads to success. So, every new decision we make is a chance to get back on the path toward becoming the person we want to become.

    Tomorrow is my weigh-in day. I’ve been staying within my daily calorie target but I’ve noticed the percentage of fat has been higher than my macro-nutrient goal. I’m aiming for 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein so I’d like to improve the balance by lowering my fat intake. In the coming week, I’ll focus on eating more nutritious meals so I don’t end up snacking too much.

    If you get a chance, let us know how you’re doing. Are there any challenges you’re working to overcome? Have you had some success, no matter how small it might seem, that you are proud to share? What are you learning along the way? Best wishes getting through the mid-week push toward the weekend!