Eating at night

I have a huge problem with eating at night. I have been able to lose weight (6lbs) since starting MFP. However, my job keeps me on the move such as driving during the evening times which makes it harder for me to eat dinner at a the same time. I usually get home around 6.00pm or later. I have not been tracking my foods since last Friday, but I have continued to exercise. Can anyone give me any suggestions for eating and snacking at night or what is the cut off time to eat at night?


  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I was told by a nutritionist/personal trainer to not eat past 7pm.
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    I have been having the same issue recently. I have been snacking way too much in the evening. However, I will say that there really isn't a cut off time for eating. That was something that has been believed for a lot of years. But in say that, let me say this...I would definitely recommend eating healthy snacks in the evening. This is what I am struggling with recently. I have been craving sweets like crazy. I just have to have better will power and snack on healthier options. Feel free to add me and we can support one another :)
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I try and cut off by 7.00, but sometimes run over. If you feek you are going to snack try brushing your teeth (so they say). I favour a mug of green tea, a good book and an early night
  • liltuck18
    liltuck18 Posts: 2 Member
    You are never supposed to eat 3 hours before bedtime. If you must eat, drink a protein shake or something high in protein. This is because at night your body will start handling business breaking down stuff in your body. It's like starving yourself for at least 8 hours.
    Tips: brushing your teeth will get rid of any food in your teeth and somehow it helps

    Drink water... lots of water

    What I like to do is, when I am feeling sleepy and hungry.. I tell myself that I can have whatever I want.... but only after I do 50 pushups.. I normally do not have the motivation to do the pushups and will just go to bed...

    Hope this helps!! Good luck!!
  • I would try eating healthy snacks at night, apples and carrots, something light but filling
  • I bought a microwave popcorn popper at walmart . I can pop just a little for a snack.

    I am really enjoying it and it seems to be working to ward off those hunger pangs.

    I try to not eat before bedtime . So plan your eating ahead of time and talk to yourself.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Lots of people are in a similar situation and not eating after a certain time is not practical. I work and don't get home till gone 6pm and I then cook and eat with my family. Just try as far as possible to spread you calories through the day so you're not eating all evening just to consume your allowance.
  • A nutritionist and a trainer told me not to eat 2-3 hours before you goto bed. That way your body is burning stored fat while you sleep and not still trying to burn food. When I lost weigh before it really worked. Also if you are on the go get an insulated lunch bag and keep healthy snacks with you. It may help you stay on track.
  • Phi2004
    Phi2004 Posts: 11 Member
    Lol, that's a good a way to look at eating at night. Thanks for you advice.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I eat a snack right before I go to bed. It hasn't hindered my weight loss yet, if it ever does I'll think about changing that, but if its not broke, don't fix it!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    We never eat our supper/tea/dinner (all call it diff things) until at least 7.30pm as my boyfriend not in from work until then. I finish at 5pm and have 2 hours walking dogs/working out and then I make supper. We go to bed at 10pm.

    I usually have a snack at 4/5pm and then supper of about 600 cal.

    I wouldnt worry too much - just try and stay under your calories. x
  • This is all very confusing to me too. For long time we heard don't eat ??? hours before bed. Now they say doesn't matter when you eat, it's how many cals you consume and burn throughout the day. I don't get home until nearly 7 pm every night, so it's almost impossible for me to follow the old rule. But as most nights I want a "late night" snack, I like to eat an apple with some cinnamon on it. This cures my sweet tooth and is very filling.

    Thanks to all of you for thoughts and ideas!
  • llovegrove
    llovegrove Posts: 94 Member
    I am real bad about night eating. My nutritionist told me that it is because I am not getting the nutrients my body needs during the day so I am craving them. ITs really hard not to do it though. I am getting better by choosing healthier items to eat ,but I used to crave sugary, carby, foods....cookies, ice cream, chocolate. etc One good thing is Im not gaining weight from it Iam maintaining. lol But when I finally stop doing it, I am definitely going to have to increase my food intake during the day to make up for it, which Iam already not getting enough,. Its a challenge.
  • Mikesrobin
    Mikesrobin Posts: 44 Member
    :wink: I was told the same thing not to eat past a certian time. That is a myth according to alot of people. Now I have not asked my doctor so this is just my personal view. But look at the following artical on Eating late is only bad if you are just snacking and going over your calories for the day. If you have planned it into your diet then you should be fine.

    I like to snack on popcorn because it fills me up without alot of extra calories. I usually drink a bottle of water while eating also. I know that may not be what you want to here because you said you have a sweet tooth at night. Try the quaker true delight fiber crisp they have many flavors that are sweet.
  • The time all depends on when you go to bed. You don't want to eat within 3 hours of you going to bed.

    A good rule of thumb is no/min carbs past lunch. So if you HAVE to snack try having some veggies or a salad.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Not this myth again...

    You can eat your entire calories allowance right before bed if you want, it makes no difference.

    The reason why late night eating is frowned upon is because people tend to eat normally through the day, then overeat late at night.

    As long as you manage your calories correctly, it doesn't actually matter when you consume them.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    What's helped me to est about the same amout of calories at each meal (about 325). I'll have a small snack between breakfast and lunch, about 150 calories. I'l also have a snack between lunch and dinner, about 325 calories. Smetimes I'll have a snack after dinner but its usually pretty small.

    It's all about blood sugar stabalization. Eating every 3-4 hours helps stabalize blood sugar but you need to make sure you've got a good balance of lean protein, carbs, and fat or you'll most likely be hungry soon after you're done with your snack.

    Eating before bed isn't ideal but you do need to make sure you're getting the proper nutrition. If you have to eat late at night you might try a protein smoothie or Shakeology. If you find you're prone to snacking you can brush your teeth after eating. Food seems less appetizing when you have a toothpaste taste in your mouth.

    Feel free to take a look at my food diary...just not yesterday, it was not a good day:noway:! Good luck!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I quit eating right before I climb in bed...........don't want to choke on my food if I fall asleep.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The time all depends on when you go to bed. You don't want to eat within 3 hours of you going to bed.

    A good rule of thumb is no/min carbs past lunch. So if you HAVE to snack try having some veggies or a salad.

    you can eat right before you go to bed and why no carbs after lunch?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    The time all depends on when you go to bed. You don't want to eat within 3 hours of you going to bed.

    A good rule of thumb is no/min carbs past lunch. So if you HAVE to snack try having some veggies or a salad.

    you can eat right before you go to bed and why no carbs after lunch?

    Agreed. I eat my last snack of the day about 30 minutes before crawling into the sack. It doesn't matter when you eat, only what you eat (and even then it doesn't matter what macronutrients you eat at any particular time, only the quality of the food you're eating).