Any Extended Breastfeeders?

I'm still bf'ing my 15mo on demand, day and night. Well, the phrase "on demand" sounds like that's all I'm doing all the time, but she's really not a demanding kind of baby. I think she nurses once or twice during the day and a couple of times during the night (we co-sleep) unless she's having a grumpy day and then it is more. Anyway, I'm currently giving myself an extra 250 calories per day to cover it. Thinking maybe I could just drop that altogether since I really wouldn't mind weaning at this point. I'm not really concerned about lack of calories cutting my supply.

Anybody else still nursing after a year? Are you logging it, and how?

Thanks! :smile:


  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I breastfed my son until he was 18 months when my daughter was born. (He weaned himself once she was born) I breastfeed her, but do not add the extra calories. That way I'm not tempted to go over :)
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    wow good job! i stopped after only 4.5 months. i was a manager at my job - and it was really hard to keep nursing while i was being pulled in every direction at work. sorry i know youre not wanting to hear from me but i just wanted to commend you! lol
  • Hey- I nursed my first (who is now almost 4) for two years and three months, so I know what you means about "extended" nursing. I wasn't doing MFP at the time, but this time around I obviously am :) My newest daughter is now 9 months old and I have been on the 1,200 calorie-a-day thing for about four months, and have had no issue whatsoever with her getting the nutrients she needs. She is, unlike my first daughter, who was much tinier, in the 95th percentile for weight and height... I KNOW she is getting everything she needs from me, even though I am not eating the 500 more calories a day that are allowed to nursing mothers. This is not to say it is okay for everyone. You need to be VERY sure your little one is growing well, and is satisfied. If that is the case, I think you're okay for cut those 250 calories.
  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    I've breastfed my children 16 cumulative years of my life, so yes, I think that's extended. The last one was older (2.5 - 3) when I started MFP, so I didn't log breastfeeding.

    I think you're pretty safe logging the extra 200, but I believe you could safely drop it too. I would keep an eye on the ratio of how much nutrition she gets from you and how much from other foods. If she's only nursing a few times during the day - for naps, comfort, or the occasional 'ouchie' - I would drop it.

    However, if she's like some of my kids - who practically ignored me all day and nursed me to death all night, I would keep it for a while longer.

    Good luck! You're doing a great thing!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm nursing my 20mo twice a day (morning and before bed). I used to bf on demand until a few months ago but since we want to wean him before his 2nd birthday, we decided to reduce the number of feeds. We went gradually first skipping the bf-to-sleep, then the night feeds and recently, the back from work/daycare feed. It wasn't always easy but we're getting there slowly but surely.

    I didn't log breastfeeding at first. I was wondering why I was hungry all the time and thought not taking breastfeeding into account could be the reason. Now, I'm logging -100 cals per feed but that's only because I was hungry. Your body will always choose your baby's needs over yours so if you're not eating enough, you will suffer, not your lo! :)

    You can try not to log your feeds and see how you're doing. Log them again if you feel 1200 is too low for you!
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks for all the replies!

    I really lost the habit of logging through most of the summer, so I'm going to make sure to get back to it. If I'm not meeting my goals, though, I'll go ahead and drop it. :smile: