
so iv been doing a lot of strength training and a bit of cardio....but even though im toning and the wobble is going can you tell me if running will actually change my figure to a more slimline look?

i have bulky thighs. im very much a pear and i would like slimmer legs from the cankles up. my sister has a similar figure to me until last year when she started marathon training and now shes all slim and lovely and can wear shorts and skirts over the knee, she said it was cos she started running.

Im not saying ill stop the weights but i do want to change my shape a bit....does anyone have any advice?


  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Running is cardio. Cardio burns fat. End of story!
  • atag2011
    atag2011 Posts: 45 Member
    Combining cardio (especially running) with strength training = slim and toned! Go for it!
  • beginnerrunner
    beginnerrunner Posts: 4 Member
    I could not tell you what running would do to "your" body image, but it will do wonders for your cardiovascular abilities. It will make you lose weight quickly, but who knows where you will lose it. Do it, running is good for you and you just might enjoy it.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    My legs didn't really slim down much until I started doing longer distances, like 10k. They definitely did slim down then though. That was quite a few years ago though. I have recently started running again and I haven't noticed much difference so far but I'm sure I will once I can run for more than 40 mins or so. I'm sure you will notice a difference after a while. It's got to be worth a try if it's something you enjoy.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Every body is different. Not in the "we are all like little snowflakes" way, but every body responds differently to diet and exercise. Changing up your routine a bit is never a bad idea (unless you are training specifically for a race/event), but no one can tell you what your body will do.

    From your post, I'm guessing your thighs are your trouble spot, and that's where you're going to lose last. It's a pain... you can't control how/where your body burns the fat, you just have to stay at it.

    Patience patience patience. If you're seeing results elsewhere on your body, then you're in good shape. It'll happen, just keep going.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    Running hates me, so I did Zumba for a few months that THAT slimmed my legs down like crazy!
  • dlangenfeld
    I have tried every kind of exercise, but only when I started running did my thighs get smaller, tighter, and the best they have EVER been. Mix up other cardio with running and weights and you should see a change! Good luck!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Running has been GREAT for smoothing out the cottage cheese on my bum and thighs!
  • allenlisa
    Love running! It's always done wonders for me, but mix it up with the strength training.
  • SammiFrancs
    SammiFrancs Posts: 28 Member
    definitely incorporate squats and lunges. This will help burn and tone that area. I have the same problem, slim waist and fat ol' thighs haha, but the squats and lunges, and a mix of cardio should help you target that area! good luck!
  • ColoradoCowgirl
    Running has deffinitely helped tone and thighten my legs. I say do it!
  • Melissa110682
    Runnning is great for fat burning but if like me you are predisposed to put on muscle easily you should really look into pilates or yoga aswell I found that although they help promote muscle tone it also seemed to lenghten the muscles so they didnt look as bulky but still had strength. Running should be only one part of your overall exercise plan a well rounded plan should include cardio, strength and stretching.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am like you in that I am very much a pear shape, as is my sister. We both have pretty small waists (mine has pretty much always been 27-28" at the highest), "hips," and "curvy" legs - neither of our parents have skinny ankles, so we were kind of screwed in that department! Fourteen years ago, when she was 19 and I was 17, she started seeing a nutritionist at college and joined the track team. She threw shotput (and set records!) but did all the warm-up runs with the entire track team until she started running on her own. I remember then that her legs started looking different, in that they did slim down around the ankles and the knees. She definitely lost fat on her thighs and calves, but she had lost that knee-fat thing, and her legs looked nice and athletic.

    Now I'm 31 and she's 33 (and has two kids, so unfortunately she hasn't maintained her loss), and since we live right near each other, we run 6 days/week. She started doing the Couch to 5K program, and I joined her at the end of week 2. It was a tough learning curve jumping into week 2 and then week 3 immediately afterwards, but now we're almost done with week 5, and I can tell the difference, at least in myself. (I don't see her bare-legged, so I can't speak for her.) My knees look, well, more like knees. The stupid thigh fat that likes to make my knees look ugly is disappearing. My ankles look less like cankles and, well, more like ankles! The place where my Achilles tendon and the bottom of my calf muscle come down towards my foot is starting to look more defined (more like my husband's, with his "soccer player" legs). It's also helped me lose weight a little faster than before.

    I don't know if it's running vs. other cardio that is doing this, since I wasn't really working out prior, but in literally three weeks of running and pushing myself, I can see my legs taking on a different shape. Will I have little legs afterwards? Probably not. I would like to be able to, on the rare occasion, wear a skirt that ends above the knee... but I'd just be thrilled to have athletic-looking legs :) To me, that is much sexier than just thin legs. I will still probably have trouble finding knee-high boots that fit over my calves, but at least I won't have any fat spilling out over them. That's just not good for anybody!

    But if you are doing weights, what harm can running (or any other good cardio) do? It will get your heart and lungs working more efficiently, which is just good for your overall health. I say GO FOR IT, and you can work on your legs with weight-bearing exercise to add to the effect of the fat-burning!!!
  • drdenise
    drdenise Posts: 87 Member
    I too have bigger thighs, and it is where I tend to put on weight.........thighs and hips. I do running, biking, swimming, rollerblading and strength training. My thighs are getting significally thinner, and I think that mixing up the cardio has helped tremendously. I will never be able to wear slim fit jeans, no pencil legs here, but I am happy with how things are transforming. Persistence pays off! Keep at it!