Hi from Alaska

I am 49, married for 29 years and live in Fairbanks, AK with my husband and 2 adult sons. I recently started having perimenopause symptoms and started gaining weight at a pretty steady pace. I think I gained about 10 pounds a month for 3 months in a row. My husband had great success with intermittent fasting but I did not have the same success doing what he was doing. My doctor also started me on a medication that has weight gain as the #1 side effect and I also have one other drug with that side effect too. That means I need to work harder. I starting doing 16:8 on the the 7th but had an a hard time with overeating after fasting. I actually gained weight. I also thought the total number of calories I should have (shown on another site) was too high. I came here and it says 1200 total calories for me, which is at least 400 less. I started back on the 16:8 and shooting for 1200 calories on the 14th. I'm also handling the fast better and don't feel quite so hungry which makes it easier to eat less when I break the fast. This morning I weighed and I'm down 3 lbs total for the week so far. I hope I can keep it up. My first goal is to just get below 200 lbs and then to get back to 190 which is where I had plateaued for so long. Then I'll decide on a new goal from there.


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    IF is a strategy to create a calorie deficit, but it doesn't work for folks (like me!) who can a whole day's worth of calories and then some in just a few hours.

    Are you weighing and measuring your food intake?
  • Sixteen_Tons
    Sixteen_Tons Posts: 61 Member
    Measure everything, & log, log, log, your food. Don't lie to yourself, if you have a day when you miss your goal, accept it, try and figure out why, and develop strategies to avoid the issue again.

    There is no wrong diet, find something that fits your tastes and lifestyle and roll with it. If it's not an exact fit change it. There's no wrong answer, what works for you is the right answer. Avoid fad diets like the plague, and ignore all the experts & gurus. There may be a nugget or two in what they say, but you have to sift through a lot of **kitten** to find them.

    Most of all don't quit, the only sure thing in life is if you give up you won't succeed.