Back on MFP after gastric bypass

Hello everyone!

Looking for more gastric bypass friends! Those who understand the 400 calorie diet progression.

A little about me. I have lost the weight before, logged every meal for over a year, exercised until I couldn't walk anymore, was proud of my progress... but it was not sustainable. My PCOS and fibromyalgia caught up with me along with some extreme life stressors and all the weight came right back on plus 40 lbs. Several failed attempts at restarts and unsuccessful medications lead my dr to recommend gastric bypass surgery. Was NOT an easy decision. My husband wasn't on board with the idea. But I couldn't continue down the road I was going because it just wasn't working.

I finally had my surgery June 21 of this year. Almost a year after making the decision to have it done. It is major surgery and has not been easy, it's been painful and emotional.

Now, I am struggling to get enough protein on a 400 calorie diet, meals consist of no more than a half cup of food at this point. Just this week I have been cleared to eating soft, moist meats like ground beef and moist chicken.

Feel free to add me!


  • mhassard3952
    mhassard3952 Posts: 5 Member
    This is exactly me but with gastric sleeve. I’m almost 9 weeks PO I’ll add you as a friend!