What kind of HRM is the most accurate and worth the money sp

I am looking into purchasing a good HRM for myself. My parents have one that I cannot seem to get to work properly so I was planning on getting one for myself. What brand of HRM do you all use and what do you recommend? I am looking for one that is accurate as well as one that isn't too much money. I have no idea what specs to look for in a good HRM. All I want is accuracy, that is my main concern.



  • deisha
    deisha Posts: 122 Member
    I have just been looking too but I have no idea which to buy. So I shall be looking at the replies people give :)
  • Get one with a chest strap. Plan on spending at least $80-$130 to get a good one.

    Timex Iron Man
    Polar FT7

    Go to your local Best Buy. They have like 40 to choose from.

    I currently own a Timex

  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Ive got a kelly holmes one which i brought from tesco direct, it came with a chest strap and was only £26. Its reallly good! :)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I recently purchased a Polar FT4 from Amazon.com; I LOVE IT! I did a lot of asking around before I purchased it....most of the people I talked to recommended Polar brand. Good luck!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Another Polar FT4 fan here! <3
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    I asked the same question recently, and the responses I got were all leaning towards the Polar brand. I just bought an FT7 - it's very easy to program and use. I was surprised at the outcome, since my old Timex HRM projected a way higher amount of calories for my workout. I got mine on clearance at Target - cost me $76 plus tax (down from $119.99)

    And I found out that there is no difference between FT7M and FT7W - just the colors.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I've heard bad things about the Timex HRM and good things about the Polar brand.
  • angshep
    angshep Posts: 3 Member
    Go Polar all the way! I have the FT60, which kind of expensive, but well worth it! It also has a chest strap, so it is extremely accurate. The watch is easy to use and it also tracks how many calories you burn on a weekly basis and it can design a program for you to track how your overall fitness is improving. I wanted to get a HRM to see how many calories I was really burning during a spin class because what online calculators were telling me---I just didn't believe. Turns out, those calculators were pretty close because I burn anywhere from 495-625 calories per 45 minute class! I would really encourage you to do your research before you choose your HRM. Polar has many types of monitors out and in different price ranges. Good luck!
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Polar FT4 love it so easy to set up!
  • I have tried a 3 different HRM. I started out with the polarFT7 and it worked well for almost a year and a half I used and abused it. I probley wore it everyday and sometimes 2 or 3 times for extra workouts. I was very accurate and I really liked it but it zeroed out on me a lot which was discouraging. I then tried the timex it was super accurate for the Heart rate but severly overestimated my calorie burn. Whcih was super discourging especaly if you are using it to help you figure out how much to eat. I returned to the Polar but this time I got an FT 40 and I am so happy with it. its very accurate and I have not had the problems with it that I had with the other types. I got my FT40 on amazon for much cheaper than I could have bought it new anywhere else. Hope that helps.