jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
I've lost 46 lbs. from 193 to 147. I've stalled out the last two weeks. I think it's because I mess up on the weekends! Ugh! Tips?


  • peterson_jessica
    peterson_jessica Posts: 119 Member
    For me, I upped my calories from 1200 to 13-1400 and have been running more (vs. elliptical, bike & free runner up until now). I have continued to lose weight by doing this. A good thing to do would be to google a BMR calculator, type in your information and then subtract 500 from your daily recommended calories in order to lose a pound a week. Eating more calories if you've been eating very few will help speed up your metabolism.
  • Change something you eat frequently. Ditch it.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Plan your weekends better. Plan your meals. Make sure you have all the ingredients in the house to make those meals. If you know weekends are a weakness, you'll have to be that much stronger on those days.
  • what kinds of foods are you eating? if you cut down on processed stuff, especially processed carbs and any wheat products... you'll probably see a change.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Let me have a look at your diary and I'm sure I'll be able to help
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    Weekends are so hard aren't they? Here is what I do. I changed my official weigh in day to Sunday mornings first thing so it keeps my food in check on Friday and Saturday. Sunday is my "free" day where I do not workout and I am not as strict with my calories as that is our family day so we tend to have dinner out. I make up for this day by not eating back my exercise calories through the rest of the week. It works for me but may not for everyone!

    Great job on your loss so far!
  • maritzacabrera
    maritzacabrera Posts: 1 Member
    If you know you are eating a big dinner, pre think of super light / filling egg white w/ Healthy Choice 35 calorie wheat bread for BF...then you will have your calories saved for dinner and won't feel like you are taking a cheat day.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    For me, I upped my calories from 1200 to 13-1400 and have been running more (vs. elliptical, bike & free runner up until now). I have continued to lose weight by doing this. A good thing to do would be to google a BMR calculator, type in your information and then subtract 500 from your daily recommended calories in order to lose a pound a week. Eating more calories if you've been eating very few will help speed up your metabolism.

    Similar here. I had stalled at 1200 calories, so I upped it to 1400. I also ditched 5x/week cardio for 5x/week weightligting with 2-3 cardio sessions per week. I felt super guilty upping my calories, but I am definitely glad I did.
  • I am very new here (I just joined 5 minutes ago) and ended up here at the recommendation of a friend for this VERY reason. I started at 217 and am currently STUCK at 175. I have been doing some reading about plateaus. I believe I am actually not getting enough calories in my day. Plateaus happen for many reasons, and from what I read they are even more common as you get closer to your goal. I sure hope I can break this plateau, too, and best of luck finding your reason and beating it!
  • What an amazing transformation! You look great!

    I stall from time to time and usually have to change up my exercise routine. The key word there is routine. Sometimes we do the same exercises week in and week out and if we don't change things up, increasing/changing activity, to boost metabolism, then we plateau.

    Also, I heard something about that happening the closer you get to your goal weight, but along with this and changing up your food intake, ie: proteins, carbs, etc, I do not have the facts so shouldn't speculate!

    Again you look so healthy!

    Joyful in the Journey,
  • Our bodies stall and adjust because it thinks we are starving it. I have done the same thing over the past couple of weeks and it is hard not to get discouraged but I know what my body is doing. So just hang in there and reset yourself! Sometimes it takes adding more calories and exercise to get your metabolism on the roll again! Keep after it! You look great!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Zig zag calories for a couple days to kick start your metabolism. Watch your sodium levels and up your water intake for a few days. Make a change in your exercise routine for a few days.

    This is how I get over my plateaus.
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    sorry no advice but just wanted to say well done on your loss so far. you look fantastic!!
  • iv gone from249 to 192 all im really doing is not eating after 4 pm and smaller portions so i still eat what i want that way i dont feel bad when the family has a BBQ or something , during the week i juice if i don't feel like eating that way i still get some kinda calories .. good luck
  • also my aunt says if you only eat apples one day the next day you will have droped like 5 libs and got over your plateaus.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    oh wow just wanted to say you look so good, and great job on the loss. I've stalled a bit too, but I think the weight will come off this week. maybe you're like me, and in my mind I think I was doing everything I should have, but I took a step back like {a month worth of time} to get on track and see I wasn't at my best. pre-plan my food. change up my workouts{a little} and try incorporating something new into my diet, hope this helps me, and you :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    For me, I upped my calories from 1200 to 13-1400 and have been running more (vs. elliptical, bike & free runner up until now). I have continued to lose weight by doing this. A good thing to do would be to google a BMR calculator, type in your information and then subtract 500 from your daily recommended calories in order to lose a pound a week. Eating more calories if you've been eating very few will help speed up your metabolism.

    this is very helpful! thanks!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    what kinds of foods are you eating? if you cut down on processed stuff, especially processed carbs and any wheat products... you'll probably see a change.

    i've been eating a lot of carbs. thanks!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    iv gone from249 to 192 all im really doing is not eating after 4 pm

    gonna try this
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Thank you everyone! You've really been helpful and encouraging.
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