Hey all got a bug on my computer then could not be bothered to rejoin I think a made a new introduction a few days ago but not sure. I scrolled ALLLLLLL the way back and here is the original one:

I'm Lisa and I've always wanted to have a long life and if I want a long life I probably shouldn't die from a heart-attack caused by my laziness πŸ˜€

I'm a single mom of two lovely (but messy...) teenage boys so I do the usual and am pretty good friends with all the moms in their schools P&F group (just thought I might expose myself 😏).

I like bubble baths - it gives me some momma-time alone! I also am a sucker for a good choccy cake. Especially because my b'day is coming up soon but... I'm not sure my new diet will allow me to do so...(im thinking about carb free but Im not too sure if ill be allowed treats)

I really hope myfitnesspal can change my life around!

Lisa πŸ˜€


  • mutt8247
    mutt8247 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Lisa 100% it works I dropped almost 40 lbs all shift work weight and have kept it off. Being 10000% honest with yourself is the best way to do it.. if u blow it up one day tommorow is a new day!

    You can do it. Don't forget to treat your self with a lil choc cake on ur bday πŸ˜‹
  • lisaaaa_young
    lisaaaa_young Posts: 5 Member
    Yes Yes I definitely agree with but since this was the original one my birthday has already passed through!!

    Please add me back!
  • charliefitnow
    charliefitnow Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Lisa seems like you had a ball here last time.

    Feel free to add me I am a bit friend less at the moment
  • lisaaaa_young
    lisaaaa_young Posts: 5 Member
    Why hello there young man!!

    You look a bit like that influencer my boys are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS going on about.

    I shall.

    Xx Lisa