Trying This Again- TMI Question for Girls

CalaMitty Posts: 14 Member
Accidentally posted this in the Challenges section thinking this is a challenge I’m dealing with in this process. Whoops, wrong kind of challenge. I’m not sure what subgroup this actually would belong in though so if anyone knows I’ll be sure to switch it around!

Has anyone struggled with starting your time of the month practically the second you start any kind of exercise routine?

I struggle with PCOS and lots of mental stuff (including binge eating disorder) as well so getting into any kind of fitness routine is extremely difficult and so I obviously struggle a lot with being overweight. Because of this my periods are very very sporadic- as in it’s been 2 years since my last period. When they do start I have to end up going to the doctor because they don’t stop and just get worse and worse. I’ve had this happen before and I was praying it wouldn’t do it again but I started working out literally only 3 days ago and yup here she is today. She’s not bad yet but I am so terrified I am going to end up in the hospital again because it.just.won’t.stop. And gets extremely painful and heavy and blood loss becomes a legitimate concern.

I don’t know what to do. I know I have to lose weight through diet and exercise but anytime I try my body rebels like this and I’m f-ing miserable at this point and feel like I’m just going to be stuck in this hell for eternity.


  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Not sure if this will be helpful, but when I was in perimenopause and suffering from excessive bleeding I was prescribed Tranexamic acid to reduce the blood flow, and it helped a lot. Like changed my life. I don't have PCOS and my issues were not exercise induced, so not sure if it would work the same. Advil also reduces period blood flow in a pinch, I used that a few times when I needed it, but my doctor didn't recommend continued use every month.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Talk with your healthcare team about your goals in light of your symptoms. They'll generate a treatment plan for you.

    In the meantime, are you tracking your flow? And, are you tracking your exercise? This information will help with an informed clinical decision.
  • CalaMitty
    CalaMitty Posts: 14 Member
    @33gail33 thank you! This is helpful 🙂

    @MaltedTea I am tracking both flow and exercise. The earliest I was able to get an appointment for my gynecologist is August 31 so I’ve got a little ways to go.

    @goal06082021 This might be what I need to do, I’ve got an appointment with a dietitian as well but it’s not until September 28 and I was hoping to get a jump on things. The thing with the exercise- I didn’t think it was intense because I’m fully capable of doing it. I mean I’m tired and sore after of course but nothing major except this. All it is is daily arc trainer at Planet Fitness for 30 minutes. That’s it. I could do less for now, but it’s annoying 😕. I can restrict harder on the calories to make up for it though. And thank you btw, I needed to hear this.
  • jbanta07
    jbanta07 Posts: 15 Member
    Are you taking anything to help with your PCOS, such as birth control pills? I was never officially diagnosed with anything, but ever since going through puberty and getting my period, it's always been extremely irregular. Some months I don't get it, and then when I do, it's very heavy and sometimes wont stop. I started on birth control pills and it helped. I tried stopping them for a few years, but my problems always came back. When talking to my doctor, she said it might be caused by low estrogen levels, which the pills help provide.
  • CalaMitty
    CalaMitty Posts: 14 Member
    @jbanta07 yes, I am on them. They don’t seem to affect whether or not my period happens though. Even during the sugar pill stage- no period. This exercising is during the active pill stage and still broke through.
  • jbanta07
    jbanta07 Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2021
    I'm really sorry you are going through this. I'd take @goal06082021 's advice. Focus more on the diet part, and totally agree that more research and help should be done from your doctor's side. If you haven't already, maybe look into a doctor or clinic that specializes in women's health. I've had my own experiences with dismissive doctors. It can be really exhausting trying to find answers to medical problems, but don't give up.