Butt Bible Challenge



  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I'm following the schedule that comes with the plan and using it parallel to Turbo Jam. Today, it will be the Turbo Jam 20 Minute Workout followed by BB Lower 1. I'm looking forward to sweating buckets.

    I did the Level 1 upper and experienced the same thing that I did with the lower. The workout itself was a killer. I"m still having nightmares about that swimming move that's done on the floor. But still, I didn't have any soreness the next day. I'm using five pounders, which honestly aren't much of a challenge for me, but I still felt the exercises as I was doing them. I had recently started using 8s, but I pinched a nerve in my shoulder and am trying to take it easy until the feeling in my left arm goes back to normal. It's frustrating.
  • jrk412
    jrk412 Posts: 13
    *kitten* to the grass, ladies! Keep it coming!

    Haha.. I love the butt bible! I'm on week 3, and the switch to level 2 is SO hard! I have never felt like this after a workout, but I have no doubts that it's working!!

    Does anyone know what you're supposed to do after the 6 weeks? Is maintenance easier than building muscle from scratch?
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    My plan is to keep doing the program until it is either too easy (after adding heavier weights) or I am bored with it. Then I want to switch to a harder program, like ChaLean Extreme.
  • I don't know what to do when it's over, either! I'm on week 2 of Level 2. It's hard, so I might do an extra week here (not sure) but I will finish it it the next month. I was going to perhaps do another fitness routine and then go back and just repeat Levels 2 and 3 of Butt Bible???
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    This past Friday, I did Turbo Jam's Cardio Party (40 minutes) followed by BB L1 Upper. It was awesome! My exercise top looked like I'd taken a shower in it.

    I am definitely seeing results in my legs and butt and my arms and shoulders as well.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I was doing it on OnDemand, but it looks like it will be gone in September. Anyone know?
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I was doing it on OnDemand, but it looks like it will be gone in September. Anyone know?

    Probably not. Comcast gives all of the workouts a drop dead date each month, but most don't go away when the date comes. I have a feeling it may depend on the popularity of the workout. 30 Day Shred and the 10 Pound Slimdown have been there since I discovered Exercise TV On Demand in June of last year. Crunch Gym has been there since December or January and Lose Weight in 8 since April. All of them have been given a new expiration date each month and there are a bunch more that seem to stick around indefinitely.

    Butt Bible had an August 8th expiration date in July, but they just rolled it over, so I'm guessing it's just going to roll over again. With all that being said, I'm going to err on the side of caution and tape Level 3 just in case it doesn't. :)
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I started Level 2 yesterday. I didn't think I would be able to walk today, but I'm not that sore. Again, I think my lower body is more fit than I give it credit for. The workout is killer while I'm doing it, but I only feel it a little the next day.

    The only part that I didn't like are the squats that have to be done while holding dumbbells on the shoulders. It really hurt my neck and I'm trying to think of a way to modify it.

    I watched the Level 3 workouts. Boy, howdy! She's insane.

    There's an unweighted barbell used in Level 3, but I don't have one of those. Any ideas for substitutions?
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I was doing it on OnDemand, but it looks like it will be gone in September. Anyone know?

    Probably not. Comcast gives all of the workouts a drop dead date each month, but most don't go away when the date comes. I have a feeling it may depend on the popularity of the workout. 30 Day Shred and the 10 Pound Slimdown have been there since I discovered Exercise TV On Demand in June of last year. Crunch Gym has been there since December or January and Lose Weight in 8 since April. All of them have been given a new expiration date each month and there are a bunch more that seem to stick around indefinitely.

    Butt Bible had an August 8th expiration date in July, but they just rolled it over, so I'm guessing it's just going to roll over again. With all that being said, I'm going to err on the side of caution and tape Level 3 just in case it doesn't. :)

  • I just joined this website and posted my remarks somewhere but they did not show up on this page so I'll try again. I turn 54 this December and although I have been in pretty good shape I decided there was a lot of room for improvement. I began doing the butt bible about 8 weeks ago. I started with the level 2 workouts. I know alternate doing upper body on day and lower body the next day. I also sometimes do both level 2 and level 3 upper in the same day. With the lower I can't do both in the same day due to bad knees but sometimes I use parts of level 2.Sometimes I also alternate using 5 lb and 10 lb weights including a 10 lb barbell for the lower level 3. I also walk 4 miles every other day. I think it is important to vary the workouts as much as you can so your muscles don't get used to doing the same thing.

    To Matiara, If you don't have a barbell you can use hand weights and either hold them up on your shoulders or just down resting on your thighs if your doing plie squats for example.

    So ladies, it this Grandma can do these workouts you can too. Just keep motivated, keep working at it but don't hurt yourselves .
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    Just started Butt Bible today. Any idea or estimate of how many calories burned? Anyone doing it and using 10lb hand weights?
  • I need to know the calorie burn on the BB I started yesterday and I freaking love it?
  • How long is each level? Minute wise...
  • BUMP
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    How long is each level? Minute wise...

    Level 1 workouts are a little over 20 minutes and it goes up 10 minutes per level.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I just joined this website and posted my remarks somewhere but they did not show up on this page so I'll try again. I turn 54 this December and although I have been in pretty good shape I decided there was a lot of room for improvement. I began doing the butt bible about 8 weeks ago. I started with the level 2 workouts. I know alternate doing upper body on day and lower body the next day. I also sometimes do both level 2 and level 3 upper in the same day. With the lower I can't do both in the same day due to bad knees but sometimes I use parts of level 2.Sometimes I also alternate using 5 lb and 10 lb weights including a 10 lb barbell for the lower level 3. I also walk 4 miles every other day. I think it is important to vary the workouts as much as you can so your muscles don't get used to doing the same thing.

    To Matiara, If you don't have a barbell you can use hand weights and either hold them up on your shoulders or just down resting on your thighs if your doing plie squats for example.

    So ladies, it this Grandma can do these workouts you can too. Just keep motivated, keep working at it but don't hurt yourselves .

    That's awesome. You're hardcore.

    I started Level 3 yesterday and it did something that Levels 1 and 2 didn't. My legs are sore today.

    I've lost half an inch off of each thigh and a quarter inch off my hips in the past four weeks. My inner and outer thighs have definition again.
  • Anyone have any suggestions on how to enter it in the calorie counter? I just entered 20mins of general aerobics, but i know that isn't really correct. Especially since Pauline made fun of aerobics class.. haha.. Can anyone help with how to enter it? I did LB1 yesterday and can't wait to do UB2 today.
  • did you get an answer to this?
  • You can go to nutritiondata.self.com/tool/calories-burned and enter in your personal data and they have a pull-down listing of many activities. I put the butt bible under circuit training and my value based on height/weight was 344 calories for 40 min. They also give you your BMI and Recommended Minimum Daily Nutritional needs. There are also other sites that calculate calories burned.