Question of the Day- Day 53!!!

:heart: Question of the Day- Day 53!!!:heart:

Have you ever tried any of the extreme fitness dvds like Insanity, P90X or 30 Day Shred, if so what did you think of it? (good or bad)

**Me- I have tried Insanity and all I can say is :laugh: it kicked my *kitten* and I only made it through 2 weeks! It was sooo hard. I think I just have too much weight that I just couldn't do some of the things my fat stomach kept getting in the way lol I would like to try it again once I get maybe half of the weight off. I started 30DS yesterday and completed Day 2 already this morning and my arms and legs feel like jello! This is something though I know I can get through 30 days of...well maybe I have only done level 1 lol &&& P90X ha forget it!! :noway:


  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm a p90x girl. Love love love it.... well, most days. I always love it more when I finish a video and I'm sweating. Some nights, I dont want to do it, but I do it anyway. Tony Horton is my super secret true love LMFAO!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i am 3 days off completing the 30 day shred :D ive been really enjoying it and its totally changed the way i think of about exercise, i used to make exuses for myself but now my mind is like a personal trainer "ITS ONLY 20 MINUTES...NOW GET TO WORK!" lol xxxx
  • I did 30 DS a few months ago. I probably ended up doing about 25 days total. It definitely made me stronger! I might start it up again when it gets colder. At the moment I go to kickboxing classes and love that :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    I'm a p90x girl. Love love love it.... well, most days. I always love it more when I finish a video and I'm sweating. Some nights, I dont want to do it, but I do it anyway. Tony Horton is my super secret true love LMFAO!

    Good job!!

    (psst....I think some people are going to know about your super-secret now :wink: )
  • I am doing 30 Day Shred level one as a warm up, and the I do No more trouble zones or Fat boost Metabolism. They are hard and some times in the middle I want to give up, but I keep doing it. At the beginning I wanted to die, but know I can do one video like a warm up, so I am getting better, and the same will be for you. I did not loose pounds right in that moment, but may that is because I like to eat :blushing: and I enjoy my meals so it is harder for me. So keep doing it and don´t stop, you will see that your body gets stronger every day you do it, remember the more you work out , more you can enjoy food :bigsmile:
    So good look and keep on working out!!!
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    Nope. I did week 1 day one of c25k yesterday and it kicked my *kitten*, so I know there is no way I can get through the programs you mentioned. I will get to them, but I have to work my way up. At least it gives me something to look forward to for when I hit a plateau and I need something to kick it's *kitten*.
  • You should try Turbo Jam. It is really fun and the music makes you want to keep going. It's on Beachbody's website.
  • Autumn_P
    Autumn_P Posts: 101 Member
    I've done a few days of 30 DS. Level1. I tried level 2 once and it was HARD! Im on vacation right now but when I get back I plan to do the whole 30 days.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    i did 30DS eh miss jill is a B, but it was an amazing workout with headphones lol :laugh: it kicked my butt in a good way! ... also i have done the p90, that was easy to do but it got boring....and im currently doing P90x, its fun and im a little on the big side and can do it! Its AWESOME!

    :smokin: Insanity is next Muhaha Muhaha :devil:
  • I have not tried any of that yet...I don't think that I will be able to do them :)
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    I started the 30DS last night, i was tough for me but not as tough as the very first time i tried a few weeks back... I'm going to try and no i mean i AM going to do and finish it this time!!! I want to try the other video and i really want to try px90 and tubro fire? but i have to make it through this and then see. Videos i haven't done much of, i started at the gym and thats what i have always done, So i am giving them a try and so far, I like it!!!!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I made it through Level one of the shred, my biggest problem is I get really bored with them after five day I dont want to hear the same things over:ohwell: However Now Im at the point since havent made it to gym in awhile, I have quite the collection of Biggest Loser DVDs as well as the shred and each day I do something different one day I might do the shred and the next I might do BL Last chance workout, etc. However I am thinking about ordering Turbofire and Chalean Extreme by the same makers since they have a variety of DVDs in each set I think Id be able to stick with them better
  • MrsSmith1112
    MrsSmith1112 Posts: 169 Member
    Still struggling through Turbo Fire...pulled a muscle...this b__ch is brutal!
  • LorianBrianna
    LorianBrianna Posts: 8 Member
    I have not tried it. I know that it will kick my butt lol. I do, however, want to try Turbo Fire with Chalene Johnson...its looks so fun. Which is what I need to keep me motivated. I'm going to order it on Friday. Please pray for my endurance lol.
  • Still struggling through Turbo Fire...pulled a muscle...this b__ch is brutal!

    I am currently doing Turbo Fire and have been for a while is freaking awesome!! I started with Turbo Jam though, helps build up your endurance to move on to Turbo Fire!! Even though she is brutal...gotta admit it is really
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    Insanity is definitely insane, 30 Day Shred definitely works, never tried PX90, but I'm going to shoot for Insanity again in January, that's one of my goals.
  • MrsSmith1112
    MrsSmith1112 Posts: 169 Member
    Still struggling through Turbo Fire...pulled a muscle...this b__ch is brutal!

    I am currently doing Turbo Fire and have been for a while is freaking awesome!! I started with Turbo Jam though, helps build up your endurance to move on to Turbo Fire!! Even though she is brutal...gotta admit it is really

    It's really awesome! She definitely keeps you moving and motivated. I am thinking about trying Turbo Jam soon to try and work myself up...cause this chick is kickin my bootay!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Jillian Michaels is a B____ too I just look at the top of the tv and just go it's mind over matter lol I am scared to see what Level 3 looks like hahaha