Plantar Fasciitis remedies?



  • I had the same problem, and nothing I did helped. I tried stretches, more arch support, inserts, rolling an iced water bottle under my foot, etc.

    I poked around online and found that a lot of runners (if that is what is causing it) solved the problem by starting to run barefoot or with Vibram Five-fingers. I bought a pair and within weeks was running with zero pain and not hobbling around all day. And my feet stopped going numb after jogging a half a mile (if I even made it that far!) The whole idea is that running barefoot/minimalist shoes rebuilds the natural support your foot loses by wearing shoes that have too much support. I've definitely noticed my feet are way stronger, which also helps with my Irish Dancing! I've also not rolled an ankle since I got them either. i would imagine just using your feet naturally like that would be more effective than the towel scrunching exercises.

    I've even noticed a big difference when I have to wear dressier shoes to work vs. days i get to walk around in my Vibrams all day.