Periods and weight loss

Hi there, there have probably been lots of posts regarding this, but I have only been on this site for 12 days. I started my period yesterday and I was wondering if it halts weight loss in general, and even if it can make you put on a pound or two. I've lost 7 pounds so far, but I seem to have hit a halt the past few days... will I start losing again when my menstrual cycle has ended?


  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Most definitely, TOM does "seem" to affect weight loss although it's all mostly just down to water retention. For me I tend to be up to 4lbs up during TOM but once it's gone those lbs go away and sometimes a few more too! Don't worry too much about it. Just keep doing what you're doing. Once you get used to your body's pattern you be fine.
  • Kryscave
    Kryscave Posts: 13 Member
    I always gain or stay the same during my period due to water retention. Once my period has ended weight loss then gets back on track! What us woman have to cope with eh?!

    Hope that helps.

    Good luck. x:smile:
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I tend to retain water during TOM so I do gain a lb or 2 I also fond that I used to get the munchies a few days before and would always grab for the wrong snacks I don't do that anymore so I know that once TOM is over I will lose the water weight and would not have put on any weight
  • honeypie03
    Thanks, that makes me feel much better... I will just stick with it, I know it's going to be a loooong process :smile:
  • ReikiLady
    I can tell you, as a registered nurse among other things :laugh: that just prior to starting your period and during until about 2-5 days after it ends you may be 2-7 lbs higher than normal due to fluid retention. You can feel more bloated and just plain "UGH" for lack of a better term :) But all will be well in the end because if you stick to your guns you'll be more than a few pounds lower when you weigh in again! Good luck! :wink:
  • HeadGofer
    I am glad to have found this thread. I have been wondering the same thing. Nice to know that weight will be affected. I will definately not do any weigh ins during that time. :heart:
  • mzmattox
    Thanks for everyones comments-I have been going through this & for the past week been extremely discouraged because I havent lost anything :( But now I know why!!!!