Returning and Needing Accountability Friends

Hi!!! Have used MFP in the past but am now determined to stick with the program to count Macros/Calories for my Weight Loss Journey πŸ˜€. Am not on a special diet right now, just am trying to limit my carbohydrates and eat more proteins while also including fruits and vegetables in my diet!!! Have to get more focused and diligent with exercising, to be honest, but am right now focusing on my diet and getting more steps throughout the day!!! Could use accountability friends who are looking for support, because I know I could use some!!!


  • espressopatronum1985
    Added you :) I'm just returning too :)
  • Donnab09
    Donnab09 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am returning also to help focus on healthy eating. I do exercise on a regular basis but need accountability for my food habits
  • NinaMorgan27
    NinaMorgan27 Posts: 8 Member
    I am also looking for friends and some gradual healthy improvements. Request sent!
  • Putley36
    Putley36 Posts: 3 Member
    I was with SparkPeople and did great. Stopped participating and I am back where I started I have gotten back to my fitness but it is not enough. Could use some support.