
Hey everyone! I have tried using MFP before, but I didn't stick to it. This time I am going to stick to it and I'm looking for friends and support because losing weight is definitely not easy!! Hope you are all having a successful weight loss journey! :)


  • blue4myeyes
    blue4myeyes Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome welcome! I am a bit of a newbie, myself, but I have fallen in love with the site. I hope this time around you stick with it and it really works for you! Best of luck on your journey...

    Feel free to add me if you are looking for friends! :)
  • caroln3
    caroln3 Posts: 217
    Yeah I am losing very slowly but this site has really helped to keep me focused. It is extremely difficult to lose weight and change bad habits alone. Everyone here is very supportive and you need friends that are in the same struggle, only they can understand what you are going through. Not my husband or kids or friends or family have given me the support that I have found here. Since I started adding friends and posting my experiences and questions it has made a difference for me and given me hope. Don't forget you have to log in everything you eat, exercise and drink alot of water. You can do IT!!
  • MsPandaJEF
    Thank you so much! I plan to stick to it and the amount of support I have already received inspires me even more! I really appreciate the kind words...I can already tell this site is going to help me so much...I feel so supported already. It is true...No one really understands the struggle in losing weight, unless they are going through it. Congrats to both of you on such a great job with your weight loss journey...Keep it up!! :)