How do days of overeating cancel all efforts?

i know weight loss is a long term journey and wanted to ask something
im an 18 yo girl 177cm, 67kg and need to consume around 2000 calories
during february until may this year i kept (with cheat days) a 1200 cal diet but didnt see any resaults so gave up, recently in august i decided to try again, is it possible that after 3 days (not consecutive) of overeating at parties (and not even a lot, maximum 700 cal above my 2000) and 16 days of 1200 cal eating i am still the exact same weight as before? (and i waited for the water weight to go away)
was 66.7 and still exactly 66.7
help? :)


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Your BMI is quite low (though not underweight), it's possible that you are eating at maintenance.

    Are you trying to lose weight? How much weight?
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    You might look at your weekly averages instead of daily calories.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    So, few things.

    1-) Disclaimer: People are different, bodies are different, lives are different. What I'm saying is true for me may not be true for you.

    2-) 2100 calories *could* be your entire deficit, but I'd be danged sure to look at weekly averages and check your logging since clearly you're attempting a really steep (800 calories a day is a LOT for someone within a healthy BMI already) deficit. Could also be you've stressed your body into REALLY hanging onto water weight via increasing your cortisol, but 2 weeks isn't very long.

    3-) I really feel like something is hinky, but admit I feel that way because of personal experience. I am 44 years old. I weigh 134ish pounds. I ate 3000 calories above maintenance TUESDAY. Yesterday the scale said 135. Because of all that food in my system probably. This morning I weighed 133.4. This pattern is typical for me. (Eat over, drop water weight, basically). Eating that spread out over a few days would probably lead to me retaining more of it as fat, but still.
  • krugkrug2021
    krugkrug2021 Posts: 2 Member
    my weekly average is still under 14000 cal which is maintenance (by at least 4000), and yes im trying to lose weight and get to around 60kg (i weight lift two times a week so maintenance is 2000)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    HOW DO days of over eating cancel out efforts?

    Because if you have a small deficit, it is easy to 'eat your way out of' that deficit. Also, when you have a small deficit/small amount to lose (I did not do the kg/lb conversion), the accuracy of your logging (as accurate as can possibly be, in any case) is even more critical.

    So, that is how a few days of eating over can undo your work the other days.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    3 days of overeating plus 16 days of eating to plan equals 19 days, which for most people with functioning ovaries puts you at a different point in your hormonal cycle. Assuming that as a self-described 18-year-old girl that incudes you, I recommend you stick with it until you have enough data to compare weights at the same point in your cycle.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,091 Member
    You are already in a healthy weigh t range - your goal of 60 kg would give you a BMI of 19 - still within range but only just.

    any weight loss for you will be really slow, it is when you only have a little bit to lose - and I would be questioning why you are trying to lose weight at all when your BMI is currently 21.