Some people are so insensitive!!! LOL


Lacking in sensitivity to the feelings or circumstances of others; unfeeling.
This is actually funny to me, I work with a bunch of men and a new doughnut shop opened in our city. The shop sent a box of freshly made cake doughnuts by one of my officers. They walk into the office with the fresh box of doughnuts and purposely eat them in front of me explaining how warm, delicious, and satisfying the doughnuts are. They go on to say they are the best doughnuts they've ever eaten. Now everyone here knows that I've committed to a lifestyle change to get healthy so they said what they were hoping to accomplish was that this act of insensitivity would build my will power!! LOL So if you guys read an article that says "Police Communications Supervisor Snaps and Wipes-Out the Whole Police Force over Cake Doughnuts" that would be me!!! You gotta love 'em!
