I wish I could love Zumba!

I took a Zumba calss, and loved every minute of it EXCEPT afterwards when I ended up with a headache for 3 days following the class. Any ideas on what my problem is? I drank water as much as I could during class to stay hydrated.


  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm guessing it wasn't enough. Perhaps add some cafein to those days.
  • I'd try it again at least one or two more times to make sure it's really the Zumba class that's giving you the headache. If it is, it can be anything from the lighting in the room to how loud the music was. Headaches are tricky that way.
  • Was the music too loud? I've never had a headache from it, but you never know...Everyone is different
  • Were you breathing? I know sometimes when I'm focusing so hard on what I'm doing I forget to breathe properly and it can cause headaches for sure!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I get that sometimes after exercise. Typically I reach for either caffeine or a Propel Zero. Not sure what the issue is, but those seem to work for me. If it persists, though, I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor!
  • haddock21409
    haddock21409 Posts: 14 Member
    My guess would be from all of the jumping around and movement, if you are not used to it it can give you a headache. Also if you dont know how to control breathing while working out it can give you a massive headache!!! Most people dont even realize they are not breathing right when working out until they get a headache. I would suggest taking some tylenol or ibprofen before the class and see how you feel after it.
  • Oh girl, that's awful...I take Zumba three times a week and I LOVE it. Maybe the headache was a fluke...I certainly hope so. I don't wish suffering on you, but maybe you could try it again...this time, make sure you drink as much water as possible and take some Ibuprofen before (I take 600mg before a class, which is usually followed by a spin class). Be Blessed girlie!!:smile::smile: PS: the advice about breathing is very important too...in through the nose, out through the mouth.
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    I wish i could love Zumba but I'm a guy who can't dance....Tried it twice and just not for me....Burned a lot of calories though!

    I wrote about the experience in my blog if you're interested...

  • shelittle
    shelittle Posts: 5 Member
    I would have your blood pressure checked and if all is good then try Zumba again! Such a wonderful way to burn those calories:)
  • coleslawYSJ
    coleslawYSJ Posts: 6 Member
    Try it out at home and see if you have the same reaction. There are a lot of amazing online mentors on Youtube. I always suggest Youtube to my friends who WANT to try Zumba, but are too shy to go to a class and move infront of everyone. You get to work at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home.

    CrazySockTV is my favorite. He has 133 videos on his account of fun, easy to follow choreography. You can find his channel here:

    A playlist I created of different routines I've found on Youtube that we either do in class, or I just enjoyed, can be found here:

    I have over four hours worth of material saved with this playlist, and never get bored with it. There's always some mix of songs I can turn into a fun filled workout.

    If nothing on my playlist, or CrazySockTV's channel tickles your fancy, just do a search for your favourite everyday songs and add " + zumba" to the string. Chances are you will find a great and easy to follow routine for anything you like!