Hello from Georgia

Hi, I'm Kisha. I'm 52 living in Atlanta. I've let my weight get out of hand over the years but now I'm focused not only on losing weight but also eating healthy as a life changing event!


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Welcome Kisha, I hope you find the help you need here. Best wishes on your journey!
  • catssspajamasss
    catssspajamasss Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Georgia Peach! I'm also 52. Good health takes on a whole new meaning when you get to our age. I'm currently at my heaviest. Just 2 years ago I was at my lightest. Somewhere in between there has to be a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Feel free to "friend" me. Good luck on your journey!

    Nan - Central NC, USA
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Hi there!! I live in Woodstock Ga Neighbor! I am 44 and just starting my journey. Let's kill this!