Starting my 200lb weight loss journey and need friends

I am 44 and very overweight. I have always said that I could lose the weight but never really went after it. Well I gave it a half *kitten* try and didn't lose a lb. So after my frustrations I realized I am not doing what it takes, not really committing.
The switch has turned on and I am doing this now!!
I have always kept to myself on MFP but realize I will need support along the way. I would love to be connected with people who are starting or in the middle of their journeys now. Let's do this!


  • lisarock43
    lisarock43 Posts: 5 Member
    I just sent you a friend request I'm about 60 pounds over weight
  • beachcalsix
    beachcalsix Posts: 23 Member
    85 lbs overweight here! sending you a request!
  • Jem594
    Jem594 Posts: 72 Member
    I am 44 and very overweight. I have always said that I could lose the weight but never really went after it. Well I gave it a half *kitten* try and didn't lose a lb. So after my frustrations I realized I am not doing what it takes, not really committing.
    The switch has turned on and I am doing this now!!
    I have always kept to myself on MFP but realize I will need support along the way. I would love to be connected with people who are starting or in the middle of their journeys now. Let's do this!

    at least 200 to lose here. let's do this!
  • ellie3285
    ellie3285 Posts: 33 Member
    Sent a friend request, I’m trying to lose around 60lbs
  • PositiveReality
    PositiveReality Posts: 3 Member
    You have already taken the first step. I would like to help you reach your goal as well. You can do this, it will take significant effort over a period of time. You have to commit to the effort and we will all help try to keep you motivated. Rome wasn't built in a day so it will take time. I'm right there with y'all. I weighed 220 or so and now around 195. My goal is to be at 180. Start out small and slow until you adjust. Find your true "why". Why do you want to accomplish this goal? Will power will certainly run out. Your reasons for doing this will be what gets you there. In 2017 I had a stroke, that's my "why". Now I want to live to be 100 and see my great grandkids grow up (I don't even have grandkids yet). Commit to yourself and commit to your goal and let's get started. You can do it!
  • CastleOfIce
    CastleOfIce Posts: 44 Member
    I've sent you a request, I've got 240 to lose myself.
  • cmo5333
    cmo5333 Posts: 22 Member
    Request sent.