I hope this isn't just another attempt.



  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    There's a lot of great advice here so most things I could say would be redundant, so I just want to say welcome to MFP and congratulations on deciding to get healthier.

    My only piece of advice that might not have been mentioned: it gets easier! You're tired and hungry now, but it gets better. Once you start getting closer to a healthy weight, you feel better, you sleep better, you have more energy - just going about your day is easier! So this is the hardest part, but every healthy step makes the next step easier.

    Also, this may have already been mentioned, but you don't have to eat vegetables to lose weight. As long you stick to your MFP calorie goal, your weight will come down. Vegetables might make it easier to stick to your goal though! I thought I hated vegetables, but I tried a lot of hidden vegetable recipes - cauliflower pizza, cauliflower tater tots, black bean brownies, etc. You may find a new low calorie recipe that you like. I find adding the right spices and fat free cheese makes even vegetables taste good. You may also find that your palate changes. I've tried and adjusted to so many low calorie desserts that I don't even miss the "real" thing. So just be willing to try new things - dieting doesn't have to mean just salads.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Okay the past is the past. You came back. You admit your failure. Now what have you learned from it? You FAIL to learn new info and how to succeed.
    So my advice............WRITE DOWN a plan. Writing it down helps you to really absorb it and think about what you're trying to achieve. Make sure your calorie deficit is MODERATE so you don't frustrate yourself quickly. Post it where you can see it everyday. And then follow the routine to a tee. When it becomes routine, you don't even have to think about what to do or need much motivation. If vegetables aren't that appealing to you, then just pick the ones you do like. When it comes to burning off more calories, start by walking. 1/4 mile at first, then 1/2, then 1 mile and so on. Once you've gotten used to a little exercise, you can add in a few more exercises a little at a time. If you're CONSISTENT on a day to day basis, you will succeed. Last guy I did this with went from 360lbs to 250lbs in about a year. YOU have to really want to do this to make it happen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Guess what.... I failed. Well I'm back at it lol. Didn't want to start a new post so figured I'd just reply to this one. Need some accountability buddies.

    You only fail when you stop trying. You're here again aren't you?? Fresh start, maybe some new friends, new ideas?
    I wasn't here your 1st time around so didn't read your original post. But here now. :) If you'd like a new friend, please feel free to add me to the list.
    While I still struggle to not binge, I usually stay within a few pounds of where I want to be, having lost a total of about 100# from my highest(unless you count every yo-yo diet I've had then it's more like 1K) :). I have to face it'll always be up and down for me. :/ BUT this place has kept me more on the straight and narrow than anything else I've ever done in my life.
    I've found tracking calories has helped the most, then comes not allowing certain foods in the house that I find too tempting. THE one hardest thing has been to control my mindset, which is a daily work in progress. No way around it, unless I can find that gotta-have-food on/off switch. :/
    Anyways, you've already gotten tons of good advice. Add me if you'd like. And best of luck to you!!!!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Smart logical helpful ^^^^^^^
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Smart logical helpful ^^^^^^^

    i finally just saved it in notepad the other day to make it easier for myself. i have a few other commonly used replies i should probably do the same for lol
  • CastleOfIce
    CastleOfIce Posts: 44 Member
    Guess what.... I failed. Well I'm back at it lol. Didn't want to start a new post so figured I'd just reply to this one. Need some accountability buddies.

    Your situation sounds a lot like mine, and I too have failed more times than I can count. But guess what, we're still here, trying again, and we just gotta keep trying until it sticks.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Yo, Call-ziez, have you ever dropped by the larger losers sub group?

    Not a bad place to hang out in... the OP too might find it interesting and some of the very thoughtful posts by Novus there which largely parallel your thought process; and mine while we're at it, or the other way around... who knows! :lol:

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Yo, Call-ziez, have you ever dropped by the larger losers sub group?

    Not a bad place to hang out in... the OP too might find it interesting and some of the very thoughtful posts by Novus there which largely parallel your thought process; and mine while we're at it, or the other way around... who knows! :lol:


    i have not i dont think.

    sometimes i have the patience to be in the forums and sometimes i dont. when i dont, im usually absent for long stretches of time LOL
  • suzleigh1
    suzleigh1 Posts: 19 Member
    I’m really new at all of this but wanted to throw out since I didn’t see anyone else discussing… my insurance paid for a nutritionist. The work has been all on me, but it was nice getting a shove in the right direction.
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 498 Member
    Guess what.... I failed. Well I'm back at it lol. Didn't want to start a new post so figured I'd just reply to this one. Need some accountability buddies.

    As others have said the key is you came back. When I started in 2011 I didn't have as much to lose but realized that I had to start. I finally accepted that I had to make changes that would stick for life so I started small. Made only one or two small changes each week and as those became a habit I added more. It took over two years to lose 85 lbs and I've never looked back.
  • MrsG1994
    MrsG1994 Posts: 49 Member
    There is a light at the end of this tunnel and you will make it! Have you thought about addressing your issues behind gaining weight/overeating? I think you can change your diet forever once you fall in love with taking care of yourself. I would start with learning meditation and possibly talk therapy. You know what to do. You just have to figure out how to get yourself to do it. To do that, it would be helpful to find out why you are treating yourself so badly. It really is an inside job. You can do it!!! ♥️