5'8" women: What are your fitness goals?

nkziv Posts: 161 Member
I'm 19 years old and 5'8". I weigh around 129-130lbs most of the time, and my goal is to get back down to 122, where I was before freshman year and all-you-can-eat dining hall meal plans. I'd like to hear about others who are close to being in the same boat with me! Where are you now, where are you headed, and how are you getting there?


  • Oliver_Cat_13
    Oliver_Cat_13 Posts: 51 Member
    I am also 19 years old and 5'8'', but my weight loss goals are a little bigger than yours. I'm currently at 242 pounds, and I would like to get back down to the 170 I was at during my freshman year of high school.

    I totally know what you mean about the free-for-all dining halls!
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    122 lbs for 5foot 8 is considered underweight, you need to be careful. the healthy weight range for our height is about 130-150
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    I'm 5'8" (though close to 5'9"!) and am 23. I weigh about 246 pounds and would like to be about 140. I've lost a couple pounds so far and am working towards the goal! :) I'm a vegetarian so I'm actually incorporating fruits and veggies into my diet instead of carbs, controlling portion size and watching in general what I eat. I am also exercising using my wii (fit, hopefully zumba soon) and I am going to begin the 30 Day Shred tonight or tomorrow. Lastly, I started the Couch to 5k program and am going to accomplish my goal of becoming a runner. So I'm on the way and I'm happy :)
  • I'm 5'8" and my goals are to run 5K in under half an hour, reduce the size of my upper arms and thighs and get a flat stomach I'm not afraid to show off!
  • Yay for a fellow veggie/vegan! Wii Fit is awesome too - I used to use it all the time. :)
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I'm 5'8 and I've lost 20 lbs on diet alone. I started at 178 and now I'm down to 156. I'm about 5lbs away from my 1st goal. Unfortunately, I've hit a big fat plateau so I'm going to start incorporating exercise in my life. I'm starting the 30 Day Shred tonight and I plan to start jogging now that it's cooling down a bit (I live in FL, the heat/humidity sucks!). I don't really want to lose much more weight, just get more toned and fit!
  • jpamplin28
    jpamplin28 Posts: 76 Member
    I am also 5'8" and right now my goal weight is 160 and then decide from there. I am more interested in a body fat percent of 22 (to start) with than a certain weight. I have a large frame and I know that I definitely won't be going under 150 as the last time I was down to 140 it didn't look good on me at all. Even at 160 I will have lost over 120 pounds and it will also depend on what's going on with my skin as to whether or not I try to go lower. As for fitness goal I want to start doing more weight training than I am at the moment.
  • Liz915
    Liz915 Posts: 123
    I'm 5'8 and weigh about 223 lbs right now. I want to get to 165, but my ultimate goal is 140. The lowest weight I've ever been is 150, so once I get there, I will know whether or not to continue to try for those last ten pounds.
  • smcrimmon12
    smcrimmon12 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'8-5'9ish. I weight 208 as of this morning. I started at 225 about 3 weeks ago so its awesome seeing so much progress! My goal is to be about 170..I was a size 6 at 170 and would love to get back there!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'8/5'9 and I started out at 180, currently at 155 and my goal is 150.. Ultimate goal is 140. Any lower and I wouldn't exist!
  • Kristierlong
    Kristierlong Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 5'8" with a goal of 130ish. Still bouncing around 140 since the beginning of July.
  • I'm 5'8" and 150lbs.
    122 lbs is too thin girl! You'll feel healthier with a bit more weight, but also a more toned and fit body. My goal is 135 which is how much I weighed when I was running everyday a year or so ago.
    I'm doing mainly cardio and really trying to eat organic foods. I keep my proportions low, but I try to make sure what I'm eating is filling enough to help me prevent eating too many calories in snacks.
    Once I lose my extra fat, it's on to weight training, mixed with cardio still.
  • Mollywater
    Mollywater Posts: 42 Member
    Hmmm, well I am 5'8 and in my later half of my 30's. I currently weigh 166 (starting weight was 200 after having twins( and I think my goal weight is 145. I was 145 when I was in my 20's and I looked awesome. Not sure if that's a weight I can maintain, but I am ok if I land somewhere in the 145-155 range. I also exercise - long road bike rides - four to fives times a week, going about an hour, 12-13 miles. My fitness goal is to be able to ride four to five times a week for about 1.5 hours. It's hard right not to fit that in, given I have three kids all under age five. But, it's a goal!
  • I'm 5'8" (though close to 5'9"!) and am 23. I weigh about 246 pounds and would like to be about 140. I've lost a couple pounds so far and am working towards the goal! :) I'm a vegetarian so I'm actually incorporating fruits and veggies into my diet instead of carbs, controlling portion size and watching in general what I eat. I am also exercising using my wii (fit, hopefully zumba soon) and I am going to begin the 30 Day Shred tonight or tomorrow. Lastly, I started the Couch to 5k program and am going to accomplish my goal of becoming a runner. So I'm on the way and I'm happy :)

    i'm like exactly the same! on day 9 of the 30 DS though :)
  • momiche
    momiche Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 23 and looking to drop the 10 pounds or so I've gained back since returning to the US this summer. I'm currently in the low 140s, but 130s here I come! I've also recently gone veggie and am trying to work on balancing my new diet, so any advice would be welcome! In terms of fitness goals I'd also like to shape up and run a half marathon within the year :smile:
  • wendybird2
    wendybird2 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 28, 5'8", and was 135 through most of college, where I ran xc and the 800m--according to some coaches I was *supposed* to get down to 125 to be my fastest, that never happened, and I was fast enough :-P. I hit my heaviest weight the year after college when, still eating like an athlete, I hit 152 lbs and decided it was time to do something since obviously the "running and eating all I want" philosophy wasn't working for me anymore. currently I hover around 140, but would love to get back to the mid-30s. I do seem to pack on muscle without even trying (curse you P90X!), so my siblings have taken to calling me the "skull-crusher". At least I'm pretty confident I could probably beat up an assailant if needed! I've already taken out a guy in a jiu jitsu class before, and he was not happy about it...

    I also eat clean, and love to answer questions and share recipes. Feel free to check out my food diary :)
  • my goal is 175. I am 5'8"

    I love my fuller figure <3:)
    I am actually fine with my body now but could be more fine in jeans 1 size smaller.
    just one! ;)
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    I am 5'8" and 140lbs. I was about 115 until I was about 18. Then I started putting on weight but I was also very active so a lot of it was muscle and a little new curviness.

    I am now 35 (had my baby boy at 30). I have never loved my body more than I do now. I have a medium frame but wide hips and strong, healthy legs and I love the power I have. I have a slim but womanly body.

    Unfortunately I spent most of my 20's trying to be skinnier thinking I would be more attractive that way. My self-consciousness kept me from enjoying many things in life. I still have things I want to improve about my body but they center more around what my body can do than how it looks. The upside is, training my body to do what I want it to is making it look how I want it to look.

    Your body will change as you age and as you experience things in life (new activities, kids, etc). Embrace it at all stages and love it for what it is and what it does for you. Find non-scale, non-appearance related goals and if you are like me, you will find more motivation than ever to lead a healthy lifestyle while being able to enjoy all it brings.
  • I'm 5'8 and older then most of you. The 120's seem a little underweight for this height but you know you're own body. I was at 204 but then I quit smoking and gained 20 pound. Then hurt my back and added a few more pounds (I got up to 231). I am now healed and back in the gym and am at 219. My weight goal is 187 (an odd number but it just came to my head). My doctors both say that would be a good weight for my height / age. I set my birthday in March as my goal date...

    Keep up the good work folks... :happy:
  • hazieo
    hazieo Posts: 40 Member
    my goal is 175. I am 5'8"

    I love my fuller figure <3:)
    I am actually fine with my body now but could be more fine in jeans 1 size smaller.
    just one! ;)

    Same here!
    I'm currently at 189, I've a large frame, so I'm aiming for 175 and will see then. :)
    Just want to feel more comfy in my clothes... and in photos!!
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