5'2---- Goal Weight and Fitness Goals?

tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
Just wondering what your goal weight is and other fitness goals. I am 5'2 and started out at 175. I am currently down to 151.6, however I am still going strong! I have my goal set at 130, what is your goal weight and fitness goals?


  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I started at 176 and my goal weight is 120 lbs but I have a small frame.
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5'1. I started out at 222. I'm currently 218 and just started a week ago. I'm hoping to be at least 145 someday soon. I have a large frame and a lot of muscle in my legs. I'd really like to be fit enough to do the swim tests that I did while training to be a lifeguard when I was really young.
  • I am 5.5 and weigh 162 and I set my goal to 150 but not sure if I will ever make it.... UGH!! I seem to be doing better with exercise results. YAY!!
  • I am the same height!!! I started out at 250lbs so as we know that doesn't look good on someone as short as us. lol I'm currently down to 199lbs. My goal is about 145lbs so I am still going strong. If I could get down to 130 that would be awesome but right now 145 would be great for me. Feel free to add me if you want more support. We could help each other.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    5'1" and my goal is 125. I have a small frame and some excess skin since I used to weigh 275. You just got to go by how you look and feel. If you have lots of muscle, you can weigh more and still be the size you want to be for example. Good luck!!
  • Hello! Saw your post. I am 5'2" also. Though still in the process of losing weight, I started at 140 and am now down to 115.
    (I read the book Eat to Live. It's life-changing, really.)

    Here is a good link for calculating your ideal weight.


    Be well!

  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 5'2" and started at 145, I'm at 130 now and have been maintaining since June, I may kick my own butt and try to get to 120, we shall see, 130 is ok by me as well.
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I see alot of post like this but I know that we ask so we can see how we ourselves are doing.
    So on that note I am 5'1 started at 173 currently 127 and still going, I'm trying for 124.
    However I keep reassessing as I reach my goals. 1st I wanted 140, then 130, now 124. I seem to be getting pickier with myself.
    As for my fitness goal I'd like to run 5k in 25mins. I like seeing my body toned everywhere. :wink:
  • I am 4' 11", started at 159 and my goal weight is 110
  • Hi tiffypooh! I'm also 5'2" and started out at 158lbs, now I'm down to 143! My goal weight is 125, since that's the size I was before I really started gaining weight, but realistically I think I'm better off at 130lbs.

    I will be running my first half marathon on Oct 30th - Los Angeles Rock 'n Roll Half - with Team ASPCA! I'm raising money for the ASPCA - check out my website for more info! www.teamaspca.org/participant/RunningForAnimals

    I was also training for a triathlon that took place on Sept 11th, but I couldn't rid my fear of swimming out in the open water, so I didn't go through with it afterall. But I'm sticking to my running routine and I cross-train on the days when I'm not running so that I don't get into the day-off slump.

    My diet could be better... that's why I signed up for MyFitnessPal. It's very helpful in keeping track of my foods so that I can look back and know exactly how many carbs, how much protein and how much fat I have left to eat for the day. I'm not a big fan of counting calories, since I try to eat what's best for me as far as training goes, but that's helpful, too, I guess.

    I'll cut it short and say congrats to you and your achievements! Good luck getting to your goal!!

    Gwen :)
  • I'm 5'3 and my goal weight is 125 and I am currently 180. *sigh* I've been stuck here for 7 weeks! (>.<)
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my goal is 120 or 125. I also have a small frame. I haven't seen 125 since the 7th grade ;) I started off at 167 or 168.
  • FitBridget
    FitBridget Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 125. I'm currently 144. I've never really been lower than 135, but I was noticeably chubby at that weight, so I think 125 will be a healthier weight for me, although I will have to reassess as I get closer. My fitness goal is to be able to run a 10k.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 5'2" as well. I started at 217 in November with a bootcamp class and just with that I lost 8lbs in about 2 months. I added working with a dietitian in January. Since then, I'm still doing bootcamp and I've added CrossFit one additional day a week (my bootcamp class is CrossFit based, but with less equipment) and Olympic weightlifting one day a week. I also started using MFP in the end of May.

    Currently I'm at 174.8lbs. After talking with my dietitian (also one of my trainers) she thinks that 150lbs will be a reasonable goal for me based on the exercise I'm doing (muscle building/strength based workouts) and my frame (not meant to be "skinny") and I'm happy with that. I can see huge differences in myself since I started and I'm almost to where I need to be. (Okay, 2/3 of the way there.)
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm 5'2. I'm also very small framed and that makes a difference. My highest weight, in high school believe it or not was close to 140 and that was chubby for me. I have been as low as 102 right before having kids. I joined here thinking that my ideal weight at this point would be 112 (I was 120 when I started). However, after working out hard for the past few months, I've realized that it is not about the number on the scale for me. My body has changed and I've lost inches and I've gotten so much stronger while only losing 3 lbs. I'm trying to focus more on the tape measure than the magic number on the scale.
  • Jackie9677
    Jackie9677 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal is 130lbs. I know I'm suppose to be smaller than that (according to the charts), but I think I'll look better if I still have a little meat on my bones.

    You've lost a lot. I started on mfp at 159, but I've been 198 at a few points in my life. It just takes time and I'm willing to take it slow.
  • 5'2
    Starting weight 247
    Current weight 234
    Goal weight 150-140--wanna keep a bit o meat and curves

    Currently doing Taebo-cardio but gonna start 30 Day Shred in October!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    You guys are all so encouraging!!! Thank you so much for all of your replies. It really helps to compare myself with others to see where I fall in relation to "you guys". I am hoping to get to my goal weight soon. I actually have been trying to burn 500 calories per day since Monday and have been successful. Monday I burned 547 and Last night it was 617. I am glad that I am so focused, because I did fall off track after a cruise that I took in July. I needed an extra push to get me started again and now I am addicted. I can't wait to go home and get on that LOVELY elliptical machine and burn another 500+ calories!

    I was so excited when I finished my food and exercise last night and it told me that in 5 weeks, if every day were like today I would be 138.6 pounds!!! That is almost the goal weight!! I was thrilled to see that low number!! I will keep working until I get it!
  • 5'2"- aiming for 130-135. Looking at weight loss, and also cutting down body fat, so the muscle I have shows better.

    Charts say I should aim closer to 120, but when I was that weight, I looked to gaunt in the face. I have curves, and an hourglass figure - and I look better /healthier at 130 range.

    I also have a good amount of muscle mass, which makes me look tighter and smaller then one would think - but weighs heavy on the scale. :)
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    I don't know if this was for 5'2" only's, but I am 5'8"- current weight is 178-182 lbs. It changes daily. Sept 30 (175) and I would like to be 155 by December 30th.
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