Newbie Here

Hi everyone, I'm new on here and would be interested in talking to and meeting new friends. Just starting the weight loss journey again for the .......times. Starting with a new approach and new zest for success. Just started with the Better Weigh program at the YMCA in Peru also.


  • song2sing
    Hi Neighbor!!

    Welcome to MFP, you can add me if you like!

    Joyful in the Journey
    from Columbia City
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    Welcome to MFP. There are a lot of resources here that can help make that weight loss journey not so daunting. Feel free to add me if you would like.

  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    Welcome and congrats on joining.
  • tanna13
    Hello everyone! Well am going to give this a try am not very good with keeping track of my food ( I think it scares me to write it down and be accountable for what I ate). I had gastric bypass surgery about 2 yrs ago and I have done GREAT (according to my doctor) However I would like to lose the last few pounds! Am stuck! Hopefully this will keep in tack and be accountable for what am doing if it's in black and white. I would love to hear ideas and tips from anyone! I look forward to chatting with everyone!

    Keep on Trucking & You CAN DO IT!!
  • inindiana
    I'm just starting also. Good luck with your journey. Joining can only help in my opinion.