Breasts shrinking FIRST

siamesekat Posts: 10 Member
edited September 2021 in Motivation and Support
I have been struggling for years to drop some pounds, but recently I have been having more success. And I am definitely slimming down. The problem is the first place it's really showing is my BREASTS! :|

I was a DD before and now I am probably a D. Not tiny, but smaller in proportion to my body. And at DD they looked great and made my body look smaller in proportion (since I am still a bit overweight). I don't know if I've been watching too much reality TV, but my D cups just look a bit...small to me now!

I'm not going to lie, it's a bit discouraging. To add insult to injury, I have breast implants and got a breast lift at the same time. So it's the fat over my implants that is currently shrinking. I wish I had gone larger with my implants knowing the fat over them might would shrink so much (I got very small implants). I am also worried that as I lose weight, the "lifting" effect might lessen.

Of course, I could wear a padded bra, but I don't find them very comfortable and I feel silly having implants (and going through the whole surgery, etc.) only to end up wearing extra padding.

Does anyone have any encouragement? To be fair, my arms, waist and lower body are slowwwwwly improving, but it's the breasts that have been the most noticeable in the "smaller department". Do you think it gets worse before it gets better?


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,362 Member
    The body is weird. Most people don't lose weight all over at the same rate, it might start at the breasts and then slow down there and then you might have a period where you lose faster in another area. It's impossible to predict the end result, just be patient, it's a rollercoaster :wink:
    I'm not happy about the saggy areas I have now , but it's surely a minor issue compared to being 65lbs heavier like I was.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    edited September 2021
    you always lose weight where you DONT want to, first. at least it seems that way.

    On the upside, eventually as you start to lose weight in other places, your body will 'balance out' so you start to look more proportionate again. But it does take time, so be PLENTY patient.

    And ... I went from a natural DD to a B/C. (size 24/ 3X? to 10/ M - still a bit to lose ) And look quite well balanced ;) though im sure for awhile I didnt LOL

  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    I tend to lose from my boobs first too, last time I got down to my goal weight I went from a uk GG cup (US J cup) to an E cup but yes, there was a lot of sagging. I worked on my pectoral muscles which helped lift them a bit but I think I looked a bit too masculine with obvious pecs. This time I will look into a best reduction and lift once I have spent a year in maintenance. The skin may snap back after weight loss but it can take some time, it's worth waiting and seeing what happens before considering surgery. FYI I did chest flys and press ups to work my pecs.
  • curwhibbles
    curwhibbles Posts: 138 Member
    Make sure you do some chest strengthening along the way!
    I lose in face and chest first. Abs last 🙄
    It’s worth it….keep it up. 🤗
  • siamesekat
    siamesekat Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I guess I just have fears about what my end result will be, and they are highlighted by unexpected changes along the way. Since I had breast surgery not too long ago (after being unsuccessful at weight loss for years) I am just worried about these changes. But I will try to trust that this is not the "end result" but just the beginning :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    edited September 2021
    You CAN'T pick where to lose weight from unless you're like doing lipo. The body loses first where it gains last and last where it gains first. This will differ from person to person. Some lose it first in their face, others in their abs, and some off their butts. You'll just have to get to where you want, then reassess what you may want to do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Yep, me too. My bras didn't fit within the first 2 weeks of my weight loss. The rest of my body basically caught up, but I'm pretty small breasted now. Being over 40 and sagging doesn't help🤦
  • siamesekat
    siamesekat Posts: 10 Member
    Yep I lost from my upper body first and drastically before everything else started to catch up. Boobs are tiny now...but a plus is my collarbone is now visible, no double chin any more, plus no back fat!
    My bugbear is that my waist shrank significantly (not a problem) but my hips and thighs didn't. So I'm two sizes different in my waist and lower body. If I try on trousers, whatever fits my hips is two sizes too big on my waist. Plus I have huge calf muscles, so tapered trousers are a no.
    Wouldn't it be great to lose everything in proportion?

    You know, it definitely would be so great to lose everything in proportion. However, your new shape seems to be the one that's in style nowadays (Kardashians, etc.) so it could be worse! I'm a big jealous, actually, of your proportionally tiny waist :) So I guess the grass is always greener...?

    Anyway, a good tailor can help immensely when your proportions make clothes fit a bit funny.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Yep I lost from my upper body first and drastically before everything else started to catch up. Boobs are tiny now...but a plus is my collarbone is now visible, no double chin any more, plus no back fat!
    My bugbear is that my waist shrank significantly (not a problem) but my hips and thighs didn't. So I'm two sizes different in my waist and lower body. If I try on trousers, whatever fits my hips is two sizes too big on my waist. Plus I have huge calf muscles, so tapered trousers are a no.
    Wouldn't it be great to lose everything in proportion?

    It'd be wonderful. I'm losing from everywhere except my breasts. And cup size goes up as band size goes down.... so I started in a 40F. And am now in a 32J. Apparently I have dense breasts, according to the mammogram, so they're not going to shrink much. In October I'm seeing a plastic surgeon about reduction.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Yep I lost from my upper body first and drastically before everything else started to catch up. Boobs are tiny now...but a plus is my collarbone is now visible, no double chin any more, plus no back fat!
    My bugbear is that my waist shrank significantly (not a problem) but my hips and thighs didn't. So I'm two sizes different in my waist and lower body. If I try on trousers, whatever fits my hips is two sizes too big on my waist. Plus I have huge calf muscles, so tapered trousers are a no.
    Wouldn't it be great to lose everything in proportion?

    It'd be wonderful. I'm losing from everywhere except my breasts. And cup size goes up as band size goes down.... so I started in a 40F. And am now in a 32J. Apparently I have dense breasts, according to the mammogram, so they're not going to shrink much. In October I'm seeing a plastic surgeon about reduction.

    are you near goal weight or no? If no, I have a very honestly curious question only because I've seen others (i know were not near goal and just didnt think to ask them for whatever reason) getting in (their) near future breast reductions or tummy tucks/ skin removal etc. In my mind it makes more sense to wait until youve reached (or are very near) your stopping point for elective surgeries like that (the one person i know in person who did skin removal after weight loss did it 2 years after reaching his goal weight, which makes perfect sense to me), but maybe theres a reason for doing something like a breast augmentation sooner that I dont know? Just truly curious. If youre near your goal you probably wont have an answer LMAO but if not maybe you do - cant hurt to ask while I have it in my head, i figure and if I offended you im sorry, that truly wasnt my intent at all, just a very honestly curious question. i just had my first ever mammogram this past month and found out i do NOT have dense breasts which explains i suppose why my weight disappeared from my boobs (though I had no complaints with that lol)