STEP-tember Advice (Gotta win that gift card!)

Hi all! My company started the STEP-tember challenge! My company is way competitive and I am nowhere near their level. Gotta "step" it up (see what I did there?)! If ya'll have tips on getting more steps in, I'd appreciate it. I am walking in the AM before work (if not raining), 2 10 min walks (if not raining), walking at lunch and then after work. I am a work-from-"homie".


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Ethical tips for getting more steps in:

    - Fidget, attach step counter to ankle and bounce legs
    - Use an under-desk stepper/cycler
    - Standing desk, walk-in-place/work on a treadmill if feasible for you
    - Since you WFH, set a timer to get up and walk in place/walk a lap around the house every 10-20 minutes (or whatever works for you)

    Unethical tips for getting more steps in:

    - Attach step counter to hyperactive dog or small child, activate zoomies mode
    - Attach step counter to unbalanced washing machine
    - Drop step counter into paint mixer
    - Give step counter to more active friend/spouse
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,970 Member
    I worked at a place that had a contest like this. One guy was hyper competitive, took a vacation day the last day of the contest, and walked 65 miles. Took him the full 24 hours. Fitbit emailed him congratulations.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Yo, what's with the disagrees? I said the second set of tips were unethical, whether OP decides to cheat is up to them.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,461 Member
    Yo, what's with the disagrees? I said the second set of tips were unethical, whether OP decides to cheat is up to them.

    Aaaaah. I bet you played Pokémon Go.

    I was not your disagreer, but those were common techniques for players to get steps. I never had to do that. I walk a ton.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I *had* PoGo back in summer 2016 when everyone did, but it drained my battery like it was going out of style and I never got deep into it, LMAO. But I think people have been faking pedometer step counts since step-count challenges have been a thing.
  • Snapy15
    Snapy15 Posts: 26 Member
    If there's steps in your home, go up and down a few times, for example when going down go back up then back down making sure to put both feet on every steps. (plus bonus cardio)
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    If you go to the fitbit community there are two epic threads about how anyone can do 50,000 and 100,000 steps a day consistently :) The threads are hysterical, and you can find every crazy scheme in the universe to up your step count. Plus cheating in challenges, some guy who says he's a podiatrist insisting that more than a moderate number of steps a day will leave your feet permanently damaged and fierce opinions on what kind of steps count in a challenge.

    I've joined a few step challenges among friends, and for me it's fun and a good chance to see what I can do when motivated. The one I joined at work devolved into a steaming pile of accusations of cheating when some of the teams were consistently posting the max number of steps allowed every day (35,000), and the company eventually had to turn off comments and never did that type of challenge again.

    Best of luck to you! My tip is to take shorter steps so you get more steps in for the same distance :)