Guy who don't like cardio...



  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I guess he doesn't have to do cardio if his heart rate is getting up doing weights. We do have enough weights for him to do a program. He thought about doing the stationary bike, but he felt badly about it since I bought him running shoes.

    As for "making love," LOL. Enough said.
  • saajidah93
    Maybe go dancing together??? Or zumba!! heard it's fun...
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I hate cardio too. I do it, but have to force it. But... I play racquetball on the side. Anything I can do to play and compete at something is great. and racquetball is a great cardio workout!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    My husband has decided that he doesn't really care for cardio, that he really likes lifting weights. However, he needs to lose maybe 50ish pounds to get into a healthy range. He tried walking, but his heart rate doesn't get up enough. He tried running, but his legs hurt despite the new running shoes. He gets bored easily if he's not really into it. We also don't have money for him to really buy anything expensive. We do have a Wii. Any ideas what he can do that won't cost a lot and won't bore him? Thanks!
    Have him do cardio with weights. If he likes lifting just have him do this: 20 squats with weights 30 second rest, 20 squat jumps with dumbells 30 second rest, 15 deadlifts with weights 30 second rest, 20 jump lunges. Rest 2 minutes repeat 3 more times.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I have really kicked my weight sessions up a notch by throwing some cardio in between each station. Do a series of chest presses, followed by 25-50 jumping jacks; move to shoulder press and repeat jumping jacks, lat pull downs and jumping jacks, bicep rows and jumping jacks...get the picture? I'll do that after each of the machines and sometimes I will continue with the jumping jacks or change it to jump ropes, lunges or some other cardio exercise to get my heart rate up.
  • sjcope
    I'm not a cardio guy either (tends to be too boring) so have him try "circuit training" or a hike through woods. Canoeing, kayaking and mountain biking are other options if the resources are nearby.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    He doesn't need cardio, as may have stated. A good hard weigh lifting session or even a good hard body weight session will burn plenty of fat. Other than cycling which I don't do every day, I do all body weight workouts. You can see what I do on my blog here
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Agreed. In terms of muscle fatigue I am FAR MORE spent after a heavy weight session than I could ever be from cardio.

  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    Does he have a bike? Biking can get your heart rate going, and you can cover a lot more ground than walking so the scenery doesn't get boring.
  • hnpervert
    Get him a kettlebell. Its a combination of weightlifting and cardio, so he'll enjoy it a lot more than just cardio
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Get him a kettlebell. Its a combination of weightlifting and cardio, so he'll enjoy it a lot more than just cardio

    awesome suggestion, pervert!

    (what, it's his NAME...really, look!)