P90x OR Insanity ?

Hi MFP'ers

My husband and I are debating which of the at home work-out plans is best. We are looking to shed the FAT - we don't have a lot of room - we would be working out in the living room.

I basically do cardio now and he lifts weights - so we're on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Any suggestions?



  • PInsanityX.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    p90x combines the two with stretching & yoga videos.. it is awesome! not sure how insanity works but i'm sure it's just as great since they are both made by beach-body
  • Both are great programs! P90-X requires some extra equipment ( weights and a pull up bar) that insanity doesn't, but insanity is a little tuffer for new comers. You really can't go wrong with either, but you could just do both. Just change up evey two or three weeks. Thats what I do.
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    I like the fact that you don't have to buy any extra gear for Insanity like you do for P90X. I'm starting a round on Monday.
  • Vecch09
    Vecch09 Posts: 6 Member
    My cousin has done both- well he is in the middle of Insanity now. I thought it was standard to do P90X first then Insanity but I could be wrong. Either way, I think they both incorporate strength and cardio just one has more of the other and so forth. I can tell you that my cousin seems to express that Insanity is much more intense and harder so maybe starting with the one and moving into the other might be a good idea. It does work and very well! Good luck on your decision!
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    I have both. I did p90x for a week. I am sure it works, but one needs tooooooooo many props. IMO it pushes you to the limit and above. With that being said I have been doing Insanity for 2 week. Hands down best for me. 40 min a day, not impossible moves, and all you need is some water and a towel. Insanity makes one sweat allllllot more then P90x . I supplement with p90x 10 min trainer for lunch and use free weights twice a week. I have lost about 4 pds after adding insanity . Turn 40 in 47 days which will be day 62 for me. Hope to start my journey down hill right ;)
  • I've done them both. It depends on what your goals are. If you're looking to add shape to a frame that doesn't have alot of fat, p90x is the way to go. If you've either a little or alot of weight to lose, Insanity is the way to go. I've never done a cardio program like Insanity..IT IS INTENSE. From a pure stamina standpoint, I think it's tougher than p90x, but you don't get the benefit of weight training. If you like, do a hybrid program. Just google p90x/insanity hybrid calendar and you'll get tons of hits. This way you can get the benefit of weight training and stretching (yoga X) that comes with p90x, but still get the high intensity interval training of insanity. There is NOT alot of weight training in insanity. It's 90% high intensity cardio that will melt the pounds off. But they can work together very well.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    My cousin has done both- well he is in the middle of Insanity now. I thought it was standard to do P90X first then Insanity but I could be wrong. Either way, I think they both incorporate strength and cardio just one has more of the other and so forth. I can tell you that my cousin seems to express that Insanity is much more intense and harder so maybe starting with the one and moving into the other might be a good idea. It does work and very well! Good luck on your decision!

    Insanity interval training will have you pouring sweat. P90 have you doing things that one feels like the body should not do.... YOu spend 5 min on advertising 10 stretching before you get to the core. Both are good. I know twins who did one while the other did the opposite .... day 60 Insanity was ripped --- p90 was bulky . followed the same diet ....so they say
  • Good tips! Thanks! I'm leaning towards Insanity to begin with.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I vote P90X. As much as I love Insanity! P90X offers something both you and your husband can enjoy. Plus there is Yoga! The only downfall with P90X is the extra equipment you have to buy. But it's worth the investment.